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On a new species of Paspalum from the island of Bonaire Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
Among the plants collected in the West-Indies by I. Boldingh during the years 1909 and 1910 there was a grass determined as Paspalum hemisphericum Poir., a name changed into glabrum. These determinations are incorrect because Paspalum hemisphericum Poiret is the same as the wellknown Paspalum paniculatum L. and also quite different from Poiret’s Paspalum glabrum, which, according to Mrs. A. Chase’s investigations, is the Paspalum laxum of Lamarck. Among Bolding’s plants there is a good specimen from the island of Bonaire, which, studied with Chase’s work on the North-American species of Paspalum, could not be identified. In Chase’s work also the species of Central-America and the West-Indian Islands are taken up, moreover the latter are also treated in...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1943 URL:
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On a new species of Piptochaetium from Uruguay Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
Piptochaetium was described in the year 1830 by Presl as a monotypic genus; the only species was named and figured by him as Piptochaetium setifolium, an inhabitant of Peru. The genus has usually been included as a section in the genus Oryzopsis of Michaux, and various species were also published under the genus Stipa. In my monograph of the genus Aristida I had the opportunity to study the whole tribe of the Stipeae, and reasons are given there why Piptochaetium should be accepted-as a quite distinct genus. From the very good description given by Presl and from the accompanying plate, the genus is easily recognizable. In my monograph a key to the genera of the tribe of the Stipeae has been given. The genus Piptochaetium is limited to the new world. In...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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ON a new species of Polytoca from Java Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
The flora of the island of Java belongs, especially as to the family of the grasses, to the best explored ones. It was JUNGHUHN, who collected them extensively and his material was the basis of a fine enumeration by our countryman BUSE, in the year 1854. In modern times the grass flora of the island was thoroughly studied by Dr C. A. BACKER, who prepared not only very rich collections, but being familiar with the system of the Gramineae, gave in his ”Flora van Java“ a detailed study of this family with excellent descriptions and many very important data. Unfortunately his species-concept and his nomenclature is not always up to date and it is to be hoped that a new modern Flora of Java can be prepared on the basis of the very important and rich material...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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On the geographical distribution of the genus Acrachne Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
ROXBURGH described in his Flora in the year 1820 a very curious annual grass and placed it in the genus Eleusine as E. verticillata ROXB.. This grass has spikelets which agree in many characters with those of the genus Eleusine, especially as to the rugose grain with a caducous pericarp, but differing from Eleusine in the up to 20-flowered spikelets and in the lemmas with a three-cuspidate summit. The many-flowered spikelets give the plant more the habit of an Eragrostis and under this genus a specimen was mentioned by WALLICH in his Catalogue. There are in the characters of the spikelets many other differences with the genus Eleusine and with Eragrostis. KUNTH and STEUDEL, indeed placed the plant under Leptochloa and there are still other opinions about...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1938 URL:
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Paspalum hydrophylum spec. nov., aus Paraguay Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
Paspalum hydrophylum HENR., spec. nov. — Planta aquatica, perennis, rhizoma crassum. Culmi erecti, metrales vel ultra, simplices, teretiusculi vel subcompressi, laeves, glaberrimi, multinodes, summo nodo supra medium culmi. Vaginae laxae, ecarinatae, leviter striatae, glabrae, internodiis longiores, inferiores valde reticulatae, fere sine laminis, marginibus hirsutis pilis e tuberculis enatis, superiores arctae non reticulatae, summae subaphyllae. Ligula membranacea, integra, apice rotundata, 1½ mm longa, nitida, fusca, glabra, pilis longis intra eam et laminam insertis ciliata. Laminae e basi subaequilata lineares, sensim acutissime acuminatae, 20—25 cm longae, 6 mm latae, planae, rigidulae, viridi-glaucescentes, margine scabrae, supra et subtus glabrae,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1922 URL:
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Plants, collected during the year 1922 by Mr. and Mrs. Visser—Hooft during their Kara-Korum-Expedition Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
Ephedra Gerardiana Wall. A num. list of dried spec. no. 6048. — ROYLE, III. Bot. Him. p. 40, 348! [1839]. — O. STAPF, Die Arten der Gattung Ephedra in Denkschr. der Kais. Akad. d. Wiss. Bd. 56 [1889] p. 75! Foot of the Lashiglacier, 5090 M., 27 July 1922 (coll. VISSERHOOFT, no. 35).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1925 URL:
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Some new species of Axonopus (Gramineae) Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
During the preparation of an account of the grasses for the flora of Dutch Guiana many difficulties were found in the identification of species of the genus Axonopus. Our knowledge as to the most recent treatment is entirely based upon Doell’s work for the Flora Brasiliensis. It is, however, evident that Doell did not see many types and his concept of many species proves to be incorrect. The modern genus Axonopus is not accepted by Doell but treated by him as a section Emprosthion of the large genus Paspalum. The difficulties arose already when he treated Fluegge’s Paspalum furcatum which is a continental North American species. Raddi’s Paspalum obtusifolium from Brazil, although given as a synonym, is a quite distinct species. As another synonym is...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1942 URL:
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Two new grasses Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
Pennisetum sagittatum HENR. nov. spec. — Perenne. Culmi erecti, superne ramosi, ramis implicatis, plus quam 1 m alti, teretes, inferne circa 1 cm crassi, glaberrimi, minute striatuli, straminei, internodia superne violascentia, culmi apicem versus plus minusve angulati, nodi tumidi nigrescentes; vaginae compressae, internodiis breviores, striatae, inferiores sparse pilosae, pilis e basi tuberculato nigro, hiantes, mox a culmo solutae, superne sensim angustatae involutae, sensim in petolium longum attenuatae et loco ligularum in auriculis ad 4 mm longis productae, ligula breviter ciliata; petiolus foliorum longitudine varians, petioli inferiores saltem ad 10 cm longi, superiores sensim decrescentes, summi brevissimi vel nulli et tunc folia sessilia,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1937 URL:
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Two new Grasses from Paraguay Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
Paspalum plumosum, HENR. nov. spec., — Perenne, dense caespitosum. Culmi stricte erecti, 6—9 dm alti, graciles, simplices, teretes, laeves pauci-nodes, nodis paullulo pilosis. Foliorum vaginae subarctae, apice hiantes, leviter compressae, laeves, glabrae, nitentes, striatae, sordide stramineo-fuscae, prope collum longe denseque villosae, marginibus glabris; auriculae longe barbatae. Ligula valde abbreviata, subindurata, subscariosa, glabra. Laminae teretes, junciformes, pungentes, diametro ½—1 mm, plus quam 25 cm longae, pagina superiore ad sulcum levem reducta, intus medullosae, erectae, rigidiusculae, virides, extus glaberrimae, scaberrimae, superne ad margines sulci scaberulae, inferne longe denseque villosae, pilis e tuberculis fuscis enatis, summae...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1922 URL:
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Velloziaceae Americanae nonnullae novae vel minus cognitae Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
Barbacenia Blanchetii GOETH. et HENR. nov. spec. — Caudex brevissimus, simplex vel divisus, squamis adpressis dense teetus ad 1½ cm crassus. Folia laete viridia, dense conferta, numerosa, exteriora saepius pauca reflexa, siccitate contorta, interiora gradatim magis erecta, omnia linearia, acuta, subulata, utrinque striatula, breviter sparse subadpresse pilosa, subtus in nervo mediano paullum prominente leviter carinata et in margine dense breviuscule pilosa, basin marginis versus longe albociliata, circ. 10—12 cm longa, 1 cm lata. Flores ad 1—3 per rosulam, subterminales, violacei. Scapus foliis fere duplo brevior, subtrigonus, dense pilosus, pilis longis tenuibus subflexuosis divergentibus. Perigonii tubus elongato-clavatus, multicostatus, 3—4 cm longus,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1937 URL:
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Vicarious grasses, as demonstrated by a new species of Phalaris from South America Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
Among the grasses, preserved at the Rijksherbarium, one of the most valuable collections is certainly that of the well-known agrostologist and collector, B. BALANSA. It contains not only the types of the grasses, described by himself, but also very beautiful material, received by him from his contemporaries. All his European and Oriental grasses, those collected by him in New Caledonia, Tonkin and Java, besides a rich material from his travels in Paraguay and Argentina, are represented in this collection together with a beautiful set of ARECHAVALETA’s grasses form Uruguay. The material is in extraordinarily good condition and was very completely collected by him. I could already describe many novelties from this collection. One of these is particularly...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1938 URL:
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