Registros recuperados: 31 | |
Henrard, J.Th.; Thellung, A.. |
Wie bekannt, ist TORREY’S Lepidium flavum sehr ausgezeichnet durch die gelbe Krone mit der zweizähnigen Frucht und dem sehr langen hervorragenden Griffel *). Lepidium flavum gehört also zur Sektion Monoploca (BUNGE 1845 pro gen.) THELLUNG, und zwar speziell zur Grex Alyssoidea THELL. ¹) Bei einer Revision des Lepidium-materials im Rijks-Herbarium zu Leiden (Holland) fand der eine von uns unter drei Lepidium flavum-Pflanzen ein einziges gut ausgebildetes Exemplar dieser Species, welches sehr bemerkenswert war. Die Flügel der Frucht fehlen ganz und gar; dadurch macht diese flügellose, aber immer mit den sehr langen Griffel versehene Frucht einen eigentümlichen Eindruck. Die Pflanze ist also mit dem Schlüssel der monografische Bearbeitung ²) nicht zu... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1918 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508313 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Paspalum hydrophylum HENR., spec. nov. — Planta aquatica, perennis, rhizoma crassum. Culmi erecti, metrales vel ultra, simplices, teretiusculi vel subcompressi, laeves, glaberrimi, multinodes, summo nodo supra medium culmi. Vaginae laxae, ecarinatae, leviter striatae, glabrae, internodiis longiores, inferiores valde reticulatae, fere sine laminis, marginibus hirsutis pilis e tuberculis enatis, superiores arctae non reticulatae, summae subaphyllae. Ligula membranacea, integra, apice rotundata, 1½ mm longa, nitida, fusca, glabra, pilis longis intra eam et laminam insertis ciliata. Laminae e basi subaequilata lineares, sensim acutissime acuminatae, 20—25 cm longae, 6 mm latae, planae, rigidulae, viridi-glaucescentes, margine scabrae, supra et subtus glabrae,... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1922 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508249 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Paspalum plumosum, HENR. nov. spec., — Perenne, dense caespitosum. Culmi stricte erecti, 6—9 dm alti, graciles, simplices, teretes, laeves pauci-nodes, nodis paullulo pilosis. Foliorum vaginae subarctae, apice hiantes, leviter compressae, laeves, glabrae, nitentes, striatae, sordide stramineo-fuscae, prope collum longe denseque villosae, marginibus glabris; auriculae longe barbatae. Ligula valde abbreviata, subindurata, subscariosa, glabra. Laminae teretes, junciformes, pungentes, diametro ½—1 mm, plus quam 25 cm longae, pagina superiore ad sulcum levem reducta, intus medullosae, erectae, rigidiusculae, virides, extus glaberrimae, scaberrimae, superne ad margines sulci scaberulae, inferne longe denseque villosae, pilis e tuberculis fuscis enatis, summae... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1922 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508356 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Among the grasses in the Rijks-Herbarium I found an undeterminated Panicum, received from the British Museum, collected in the Bombay Presidency by Mr. YOUNG. This plant is very interesting as it belongs to a small group of about 18 species in general appearance very similar to the genus Brachiaria as accepted by American authors. ¹) In the genus Brachiaria the spikelets are placed with the first glume towards the axis (adaxial), but in the group forming the genus Urochloa, the first glume is turned away from the rhachis (spikelets abaxial). Nearly all the species of Urochloa have a very obtuse apex of the fertile valve, ending in a fine mucro. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1922 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508338 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Being engaged during several years with a revision of the grasses preserved in the Rijks-Herbarium at the University of Leyden, my attention was called to the group of the Stipeae, and especially to the very difficult genus of Aristida. After an exhaustive study of the literature, I thought it desirable to have a monograph of this genus, containing extensive keys for the determination of all the species hitherto known, and I resolved to prepare such a work. It has been my good fortune that I had at my disposal not only the valuable collections of the Rijks-Herbarium, but that by the courtesy of the directors of the great herbaria in Europe and in America, I could study many thousands of specimens, among them authentic specimens and types. So several years... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1926 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508348 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
A species with the habit of Aristida divaricata H. et B., but welldistinguished by the wanting column and the curious tuberculate lemmas. Closely allied to Aristida gentilis HENR., which differs however in the other position of the glumes and in the smooth lemma. The species resembles in some characters the Aristida Parishii HITCHC., the latter has however a totally different shape of the panicle and the lemma is not tuberculate-hispid, but scabrous only on the upper half. Among duplicates from the U. S. Nat. Herbarium, kindly received from Mrs. A. CHASE, I found a second plant belonging to the species, a plant also collected in Arizona, north slope of Santa Rita Mountains, leg. D. GRIFFITHS no. 7269. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1927 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508349 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Habitat frequens in collinis arenosis siccissimis Distr. Mossamedes, ex Giraûl usque ad Cabo negro, inprimis locis sabulosis oceano proximis, v. gr. ad „Praia da Amelia”, denso agmine crescens, per totum fere annum florens et fructificans (Junio, Julio et Septb. 1859 legi). Exsic. Welw. Iter Angol. no. 2000. Rhizoma abbreviatum, mox in fibras descendentes solutum; flbrae perplures, elongatae, cylindraceae, simplices, pennae corvinae crassiores, villo albido, velutino, viscido undique obtectae et subsucculentae. Caespites pro soli et expositionis ratione nunc angusti et depressi, pauciculmes, nunc ampliores et altiores, culmos 8—10 et plures emittentes. Folia radicalia dense congesta, in macrioribus arcuatoascendentia, 1—2 pollicaria, in robustioribus... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1928 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508247 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
In a preliminary work: „A critical Revision of the genus Aristida”, I have given a review of all the hitherto described species of this genus with the citation of the literature, the exact copies of the authentic descriptions and the figures of the spikelet-characters, taken from the type specimens so far as I could locate them. In many cases it was necessary to enter into critical observations, because the nomenclature and the ideas found in the different manuals are exceedingly entangled. The Revision, although very important for botanists who wish to know the exact data of a fixed species, is not to use if we wish to determine an arbitrary plant of our genus, therefore we must have a monograph and I indicated already that it was my intention to write... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1929 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508320 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
= Panicum adustum NEES var. mattogrossense PILG. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XXX. [1901] p. 131. This species is very different from the true Digitaria adusta (NEES) GRISEB. and to distinguish by the flat, broad, glabrous leaves, the rather obtuse more turgid spikelets with a shorter pubescence and the shorter and whitish clavellate hairs, moreover also by the nearly equal length of glume II and III (the upper glume and sterile lemma). Digitaria adusta GRISEB. differs in the narrower, pungent, firm, convolute blades, hairy sheaths with velvety pubescent scales at the base of the plant, the spikelets are narrower, lanceolate and acutish, the upper glume in D. adusta is much shorter than the sterile lemma and both have longer fulvous hairs. Most allied to Digitaria... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1930 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508343 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
The grasses constitute a very well defined natural group of plants, but the division of this family into tribes and subtribes is a difficult problem. We know that ROBERT BROWN divided the family into the Panicaceae and the Poaceae. BENTHAM already indicated that in the former the tendency to imperfection lies in the lower flowers of the spikelets, whereas in the Poaceae the tendency is in the opposite direction, but he observes at the same time that this principle is too indefinite to serve as a practical character to recognize both groups. In combination with other characters, especially those taken from the fruits (the caryopsis, enclosed by the scales), these two groups become however more stabile. KUNTH gave us no less than 13 tribes, many of them... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1931 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508354 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
We find the interpretation of the genus Aristida by BEAUVOIS in his work Essai d’une nouvelle Agrostographie on pag. 33. Aristida lanata is the only species mentioned by him and the genus is figured on Pl. VIII. fig. X. This figure is a rather rough sketch and represents Aristida ciliata DESF.. In the figures b and c there is a well-developed column and the central awn is plumose, the articulation between lemma and column is omitted or overlooked. Aristida lanata, as mentioned by BEAUVOIS, is quite different from the A. lanata, described by FORSKÅL, where all the awns are plumose and the glumes are quite different. BEAUVOIS tells us that among all the Aristidas he has found in herbaria, this one is the only species where the central awn differs in... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1932 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508329 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Differt a typo praesertim columna valde abbreviata, tantum 8 mm. longa, bene torta, aristis brevioribus, circa 25 mm. longis; glumae inaequilongae, inferior 8—10 mm. longa, acuta, superior 13—14 mm. longa, subobtusa, gluma fertilis laevissima, callo acuto 1½ mm. longo, ad 5. mm. longa. Central South Australia: without precise locality, collected bij H. J. HILLIER, no. 46. Type in the Kew Herbarium, presented in 1906. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1933 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/508331 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Some years ago I had the opportunity to study more extensively a very interesting group of grasses, belonging to what is now accepted as a distinct genus, the genus Digitaria, formerly belonging as a subgenus to the genus Panicum. As to living plants of this group I was familiar with two european species, also found in the Netherlands. They are treated in the Synopsis of Ascherson nd Gräbner and once more in the second edition of this work. Under Panicum they bear the names P. lineare KROCKER and P. sanguinale L. The first species belongs to HACKEL’S „Ternata”, the name is invalid on account of the Panicum lineare of LINNAEUS, a species described from India, we know that KROCKER’s plant does not occur in India and it is therefore necessary to look for the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1934 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/524773 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
When BUSE gave an enumeration of the grasses collected by JUNGHUHN in Java and Sumatra, he mentioned under Paspalum a species, described by RETZIUS in the year 1781 as Paspalum hirsutum. BUSE identified a grass from Sumatra as being the species of RETZIUS, on account of the description, having certainly not studied the authentic specimen, which was at that time not easy to consult. It may be that even the work of RETZIUS was not at his disposal, it is probable that he studied only the description, given afterwards in LAMARCK’S Encyclopédie. RETZIUS described his species from China, where it was collected by BLADH. Although the description of RETZIUS agrees fairly well with BUSE’S plant, we are in modern times not so satisfied with such an identification,... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1935 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/524513 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Chloothamnus BUSE ap. MIQUEL, Pl. Jungh. 1854, 386 — Oreiostachys GAMBLE ap. KOORDERS, Verh. Kon. Ak. Wet. 16, 1908, 657.. Hab.: Malay Archipelago. 1. C. chilianthus BUSE, l.c., type species of the genus — Schizostachyum chilianthum (BUSE) KURZ, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 39, ii, 1870, 88 — non Melocanna gracilis KURZ ap. MUNRO, Transact. Linn. Soc. 26, 1866, nec Schizostachyum chilianthum in GAMBLE, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calc. 7, 1896, 116, pl. 101. Hab.: Sumatra (Angkola 300—900 m). 2. C. elegantissimus (HASSK.) HENR., nov. comb. — Bambusa elegantissima HASSK., Pl. jav. rar. 1848, 42 — Beesha elegantissima (HASSK.) KURZ ap. MUNRO , l.c. 1866 — Schizostachyum elegantissimum (HASSK.) KURZ, l.c. 1870, 90. Hab.: W. Java (Preanger, 1500—1600 m). Remark: Possibly... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1936 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/525085 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
In conclusion, we propose the following nomenclatural alterations. For a good classification, the genus Vulpia is to be accepted as a member of the Festuceae. Various names of Vulpia are fixed according to our present rules of nomenclature, viz. V. bromoides (L.) GRAY, V. membranacea (L.) LINK, V. geniculata (L.) LINK, V. stipoides (L.) DUM. and V. Myurus (L.) GMELIN. For Vulpia ciliata the earliest valid epithet is taken and so this widely distributed species must bear the name of V. aetnensis TINEO, while its glabrous variety is named imberbis (Vis.) HENR.. Vulpia delicatula (LAG.) DUM. var. hirsuta HENR. and Vulpia geniculata (L.) LINK var. dasyantha HENR. are described as new varieties. Among the South American species the new combinations Vulpia... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1937 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/525338 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Barbacenia Blanchetii GOETH. et HENR. nov. spec. — Caudex brevissimus, simplex vel divisus, squamis adpressis dense teetus ad 1½ cm crassus. Folia laete viridia, dense conferta, numerosa, exteriora saepius pauca reflexa, siccitate contorta, interiora gradatim magis erecta, omnia linearia, acuta, subulata, utrinque striatula, breviter sparse subadpresse pilosa, subtus in nervo mediano paullum prominente leviter carinata et in margine dense breviuscule pilosa, basin marginis versus longe albociliata, circ. 10—12 cm longa, 1 cm lata. Flores ad 1—3 per rosulam, subterminales, violacei. Scapus foliis fere duplo brevior, subtrigonus, dense pilosus, pilis longis tenuibus subflexuosis divergentibus. Perigonii tubus elongato-clavatus, multicostatus, 3—4 cm longus,... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1937 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/525985 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Pennisetum sagittatum HENR. nov. spec. — Perenne. Culmi erecti, superne ramosi, ramis implicatis, plus quam 1 m alti, teretes, inferne circa 1 cm crassi, glaberrimi, minute striatuli, straminei, internodia superne violascentia, culmi apicem versus plus minusve angulati, nodi tumidi nigrescentes; vaginae compressae, internodiis breviores, striatae, inferiores sparse pilosae, pilis e basi tuberculato nigro, hiantes, mox a culmo solutae, superne sensim angustatae involutae, sensim in petolium longum attenuatae et loco ligularum in auriculis ad 4 mm longis productae, ligula breviter ciliata; petiolus foliorum longitudine varians, petioli inferiores saltem ad 10 cm longi, superiores sensim decrescentes, summi brevissimi vel nulli et tunc folia sessilia,... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1937 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/526379 |
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Registros recuperados: 31 | |