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Effects of artepillin C on model membranes displaying liquid immiscibility BJMBR
Pazin,W.M.; Vilanova,N.; Voets,I.K.; Soares,A.E.E.; Ito,A.S..
It has been hypothesized that the therapeutic effects of artepillin C, a natural compound derived from Brazilian green propolis, are likely related to its partition in the lipid bilayer component of biological membranes. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of the major compound of green propolis, artepillin C, on model membranes (small and giant unilamelar vesicles) composed of ternary lipid mixtures containing cholesterol, which display liquid-ordered (lo) and liquid-disordered (ld) phase coexistence. Specifically, we explored potential changes in relevant membrane parameters upon addition of artepillin C presenting both neutral and deprotonated states by means of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), differential scanning calorimetry...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artepillin C; Green propolis; Model membranes; Giant unilamellar vesicles; SAXS; DSC.
Ano: 2019 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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