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Ge and Si Isotope Behavior During Intense Tropical Weathering and Ecosystem Cycling 5
Baronas, J. Jotautas; West, A. Joshua; Burton, Kevin W.; Hammond, Douglas E.; Opfergelt, Sophie; Pogge Von Strandmann, Philip A. E.; James, Rachael H.; Rouxel, Olivier.
Chemical weathering of volcanic rocks in warm and humid climates contributes disproportionately to global solute fluxes. Geochemical signatures of solutes and solids formed during this process can help quantify and reconstruct weathering intensity in the past. Here, we measured silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) isotope ratios of the soils, clays, and fluids from a tropical lowland rainforest in Costa Rica. The bulk topsoil is intensely weathered and isotopically light (mean ± 1σ: δ30Si = −2.1 ± 0.3‰, δ74Ge = −0.13 ± 0.12‰) compared to the parent rock (δ30Si = −0.11 ± 0.05‰, δ74Ge = 0.59 ± 0.07‰). Neoforming clays have even lower values (δ30Si = −2.5 ± 0.2‰, δ74Ge = −0.16 ± 0.09‰), demonstrating a whole‐system isotopic shift in extremely weathered systems....
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Methane in shallow subsurface sediments at the landward limit of the gas hydrate stability zone offshore Western Svalbard 5
Graves, Carolyn A.; James, Rachael H.; Sapart, Celia Julia; Stott, Andrew W.; Wright, Ian C.; Berndt, Christian; Westbrook, Graham; Connelly, Douglas P..
Offshore western Svalbard plumes of gas bubbles rise from the seafloor at the landward limit of the gas hydrate stability zone (LLGHSZ; ∼400 m water depth). It is hypothesized that this methane may, in part, come from dissociation of gas hydrate in the underlying sediments in response to recent warming of ocean bottom waters. To evaluate the potential role of gas hydrate in the supply of methane to the shallow subsurface sediments, and the role of anaerobic oxidation in regulating methane fluxes across the sediment-seawater interface, we have characterised the chemical and isotopic compositions of the gases and sediment pore waters. The molecular and isotopic signatures of gas in the bubble plumes (C1/C2+ = 1 × 104; δ13C-CH4 = -55 to -51 ‰; δD-CH4 = -187...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Methane; Seafloor sediments; Gas hydrate; Offshore Svalbard; Seabed fluxes; Anaerobic oxidation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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