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Measuring the Efficiency Effect of Banning Anti-Microbial Growth Promoters: The Case of Danish Pig Production AgEcon
Lawson, Lartey Godwin; Sauer, Johannes; Jensen, Peter V.; Jensen, Helen H..
This study examines the effect of banning antimicrobial growth promoters on efficiency in the production of weaned and slaughter (finishing) pigs. We focus on the reaction of producers and production efficiency. We evaluate the estimated output and input shadow prices relative to market prices to analyse producer reactions and capture the impact on production efficiency by evaluating the effects of the ban changes on total factor productivity. To this end we model a multi product shadow profit function and incorporate output and input related shadow prices by using a second order flexible functional form. The development in total factor productivity is subsequently measured by calculating the Malmquist index on the farm level. To make infer-ences on the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Animal health economics; Food economics; Shadow prices; Efficiency; Antimicrobial growth promoters; Pig production; Livestock Production/Industries; Q1; Q11; Q12; Q24.
Ano: 2007 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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