Sanchez-vidal, A.; Pasqual, C.; Kerherve, P.; Calafat, A.; Heussner, S.; Palanques, A.; Durrieu De Madron, X.; Canals, M.; Puig, P.. |
During winter 2005 - 2006, particle fluxes and near-bottom currents were measured in and around the Lacaze-Duthiers and Cap de Creus submarine canyons ( western Gulf of Lion). Current anomalies show the occurrence of a major dense shelf water cascading event down to the slope, the latest recorded up to date in the area. Concomitant increased total mass fluxes highlight the ability of cascading waters to transport large amounts of coarse sediment and organic matter, which is predominantly of terrestrial origin. In addition, results reveal that the current regime and associated grain size sorting is the responsible for a geochemical gradient of settling organic particles along the slope. |
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Ano: 2008 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00289/40006/38578.pdf |
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Bourgeois, S.; Pruski, A. M.; Sun, M-y.; Buscail, R.; Lantoine, F.; Kerherve, P.; Vetion, G.; Riviere, B.; Charles, F.. |
The Gulf of Lions is a river-dominated ocean margin that receives high loads of nutrients and particulate matter from the Rhone River but most particulate materials settle rapidly on the nearshore seafloor. One question is raised on the fate of these large quantities of organic carbon delivered by the river to the coastal marine environment. Surface sediments (0-0.5 cm) were collected in the Rhone prodelta and its adjacent shelf during a period of low river discharge (April 2007, 16 stations). The sources, distribution and lability of sedimentary organic matter were examined using bulk (organic carbon, total nitrogen, stable carbon isotope ratios, and grain size) and molecular-level (pigments, amino acids, fatty acids, and delta(13)C of individual fatty... |
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Ano: 2011 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00303/41424/40617.pdf |
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Goineau, A.; Fontanier, C.; Jorissen, F.; Buscail, R.; Kerherve, P.; Cathalot, C.; Pruski, A. M.; Lantoine, F.; Bourgeois, S.; Metzger, E.; Legrand, E.; Rabouille, Christophe. |
In the context of the French research project CHACCRA (Climate and Human-induced Alterations in Carbon Cycling at the River–seA connection), living (rose Bengal-stained) benthic foraminifera were investigated at two stations (24 and 67 m depth) in the Rhône prodelta (NW Mediterranean, Gulf of Lions). The aim of this study was to precise the response of benthic foraminiferal faunas to temporal changes of the Rhône River inputs (e.g. organic and terrigeneous material). Each site was sampled in April 2007, September 2007, May 2008 and December 2008, permitting to observe foraminiferal faunas of the 63–150 and >150 μm size fractions under a wide range of environmental conditions. Obvious variations in foraminiferal faunal composition were observed during... |
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Ano: 2012 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00140/25097/23323.pdf |
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Stabholz, M.; Durrieu De Madron, X.; Canals, M.; Khripounoff, Alexis; Taupier-letage, Isabelle; Testor, Pierre; Heussner, S.; Kerherve, P.; Delsaut, N.; Houpert, Loic; Lastras, G.; Dennielou, Bernard. |
The deep outer margin of the Gulf of Lions and the adjacent basin, in the western Mediterranean Sea, are regularly impacted by open-ocean convection, a major hydrodynamic event responsible for the ventilation of the deep water in the western Mediterranean Basin. However, the impact of open-ocean convection on the flux and transport of particulate matter remains poorly understood. The variability of water mass properties (i.e., temperature and salinity), currents, and particle fluxes were monitored between September 2007 and April 2009 at five instrumented mooring lines deployed between 2050 and 2350-m depth in the deepest continental margin and adjacent basin. Four of the lines followed a NW-SE transect, while the fifth one was located on a sediment wave... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00125/23654/21571.pdf |
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Cathalot, Cecile; Rabouille, Christophe; Tisnerat-laborde, N.; Toussaint, Flora; Kerherve, P.; Buscail, R.; Loftis, K.; Sun, M. -y.; Tronczynski, Jacek; Azoury, S.; Lansard, Bruno; Treignier, Claire; Pastor, L.; Tesi, T.. |
A significant fraction of the global carbon flux to the ocean occurs in River-dominated Ocean Margins (RiOMar) although large uncertainties remain in the cycle of organic matter (OM) in these systems. In particular, the OM sources and residence time have not been well clarified. Surface (0-1 cm) and sub-surface (3-4 cm) sediments and water column particles (bottom and intermediate depth) from the Rhone River delta system were collected in June 2005 and in April 2007 for a multi-proxy study. Lignin phenols, black carbon (BC), proto-kerogen/BC mixture, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), carbon stable isotope (delta C-13(OC)), and radiocarbon measurements (delta C-14(OC)) were carried out to characterize the source of sedimentary organic material and to... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00157/26784/25673.pdf |
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