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Exploring natural resource management tradeoffs in an agricultural landscape - an application of the MOSAIC model. AgEcon
Lawson, Kenton; Hill, Christine M.; Hodges, Andrew; Jacobs, Brent.
We describe a landscape scale non-linear discrete choice spatial optimisation model for identifying cost-effective strategies for achieving environmental goals. Spatial heterogeneity and configuration issues such as fencing costs, patch sizes and network linkages are explicitly accounted for and quasi-optimal allocations are determined using simulated annealing. Applications of the model being developed with New South Wales Catchment Management Authorities are discussed. These focus on targeting investments in revegetation to control dryland salinity and erosion and provide biodiversity benefits whilst minimising direct and opportunity costs. We compare our approach with alternate investment approaches.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Natural resource management; Cost effectiveness; Land use change; Multicriteria; Spatial optimisation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Modeling environmental risk and land management trade-offs in the Great Barrier Reef catchment AgEcon
Mallawaarachchi, Thilak; Mazur, Kasia; Lawson, Kenton.
We develop a catchment scale modeling framework to identify cost-effective strategies for joint onsite abatement and offsite mitigation of land-based pollution from agricultural activities that pose a risk to water quality in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). An illustrative example of the Barron catchment in north Queensland is used to demonstrate an approach to specify social planner’'s problem for non-point source pollution management as a cost minimisation model to meet a specified reduction in land-based pollution emissions at the receiving waters of GBR. We focus on the tradeoffs between onsite pollution control and offsite pollution mitigation under a collective contract for nutrient reduction at a sub-catchment level and discuss implementation options.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Non-point source pollution; Water quality; Land use; Cost-effectiveness; Coastal zone management; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Productivity pathways: climate-adjusted production frontiers for the Australian broadacre cropping industry AgEcon
Hughes, Neal; Lawson, Kenton; Davidson, Alistair; Jackson, Tom; Sheng, Yu.
This study introduces two advances to the aggregate productivity index methodology typically employed by ABARES. First, it accounts for the effects of climate variability on measured productivity by matching spatial climate data to individual farms in the ABARES farm surveys database. Second, a farm-level production frontier estimation technique is employed to facilitate the decomposition of productivity change into several key components, including technical change and technical efficiency change. The study makes use of farm-level data from the ABARES Australian agricultural and grazing industries survey database. An unbalanced panel dataset is constructed containing 13 430 observations (4255 farms) over the period 1977–78 to 2007–08. Spatial climate...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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