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Is the Species Flock Concept Operational? The Antarctic Shelf Case ArchiMer
Lecointre, Guillaume; Ameziane, Nadia; Boisselier, Marie-catherine; Bonillo, Celine; Busson, Frederic; Causse, Romain; Chenuil, Anne; Couloux, Arnaud; Coutanceau, Jean-pierre; Cruaud, Corinne; D'Udekem D'Acoz, Cedric; De Ridder, Chantal; Denys, Gael; Dettai, Agnes; Duhamel, Guy; Eleaume, Marc; Feral, Jean-pierre; Gallut, Cyril; Havermans, Charlotte; Held, Christoph; Hemery, Lenaig; Lautredou, Anne-claire; Martin, Patrick; Ozouf-costaz, Catherine; Pierrat, Benjamin; Pruvost, Patrice; Puillandre, Nicolas; Samadi, Sarah; Saucede, Thomas; Schubart, Christoph; David, Bruno.
There has been a significant body of literature on species flock definition but not so much about practical means to appraise them. We here apply the five criteria of Eastman and McCune for detecting species flocks in four taxonomic components of the benthic fauna of the Antarctic shelf: teleost fishes, crinoids (feather stars), echinoids (sea urchins) and crustacean arthropods. Practical limitations led us to prioritize the three historical criteria (endemicity, monophyly, species richness) over the two ecological ones (ecological diversity and habitat dominance). We propose a new protocol which includes an iterative fine-tuning of the monophyly and endemicity criteria in order to discover unsuspected flocks. As a result nine "full" species flocks...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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