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Enumerating Viruses in Coral Mucus 5
Leruste, Amandine; Bouvier, Thierry; Bettarel, Yvan.
The distribution of viruses inhabiting the coral mucus remains undetermined, as there is no suitable standardized procedure for their separation from this organic matrix, principally owing to its viscosity and autofluorescence. Seven protocols were tested, and the most efficient separations were obtained from a chemical treatment requiring potassium citrate.
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Ano: 2012 URL:
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Trajectoires d’évolution des communautés phytoplanctoniques au cours du processus de restauration écologique des milieux lagunaires méditerranéens 5
Leruste, Amandine.
Located at the interface between marine and continental systems, coastal lagoons are among the most diverse and productive ecosystems. These semi-enclosed ecosystems are very vulnerable to nutrient enrichment. In the Languedoc-Roussillon region, anthropogenic pressures have profoundly damaged the coastal lagoons, especially those belonging to the Palavasian complex close to Montpellier. The latter lagoons have been affected by high nutrient loadings from the sewage treatment plant of the Montpellier agglomeration. This resulted in a trophic gradient among the eight lagoons in the complex, from mesotrophy to hypertrophy, with altered primary producer communities by favoring the predominance of the phytoplankton compartment.The phytoplankton responds very...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplancton; Biodiversité; Eutrophisation; Restauration; Résilience; Lagunes méditerranéennes; Phytoplankton; Biodiversity; Eutrophication; Restoration; Resilience; Mediterranean lagoons.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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A Multidisciplinary Approach for Restoration Ecology of Shallow Coastal Lagoons, a Case Study in South France 5
De Wit, Rutger; Leruste, Amandine; Le Fur, Ines; Maki Sy, Mariam; Bec, Beatrice; Ouisse, Vincent; Derolez, Valerie; Rey-valette, Hélène.
By the end of the 20th century, many of the coastal lagoons along the French Mediterranean coast showed insufficient water quality and degraded ecosystem states due to anthropogenic impacts. Among these, nutrient over-enrichment, resulting in eutrophication, has been a major concern. The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) has initiated public action to improve their water quality and ecosystem state using an approach rooted in restoration ecology. Here we analyze how this has been applied for the coastal lagoons in South France, considering eutrophication as an example of ecosystem degradation and oligotrophication as the corresponding trajectory for ecological restoration of the eutrophied coastal lagoons. Oligotrophication trajectories, initiated by the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Restoration ecology; Ecological restoration; Water quality; WFD; Ecosystem trajectories; DPSIR; Conservation; Ecological indices.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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