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Effects of NaCl-salinity on growth and inorganic solute accumulation in young cashew plants AGRIAMBI
Viégas,Ricardo A.; Silveira,Joaquim A. G. da; Lima Junior,Adeildo R. de; Queiroz,José E.; Fausto,Maria J. M..
The NaCl effects on the growth and inorganic solute accumulation were studied on 30-day-old cashew plants (Anacardium occidentale L.) hydroponically grown for 8 days (short term) and 40 days (long-term) with NaCl at different levels. The shoot fresh mass yielded after 40 days, in response to 50 and 100 mol m-3 NaCl, decreased by 25 and 75%, respectively. This decrease was markedly low in root fresh mass, which did not change under 50 mol m-3 NaCl and decreased nearly to 30% under 100 mol m-3 NaCl, as compared to control plants. In short-term experiment, salinity induced only slight changes of K+ tissue concentrations in the whole plant. In the long-term experiment, K+ tissue concentrations were substantially decreased, particularly in roots. In response to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anacardium occidentale; Salinity stress; Ionic toxicity; Potassium; Sodium; Chloride.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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