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Dietary glycerin does not affect meat quality of Ile de France lambs R. Bras. Zootec.
Borghi,Thiago Henrique; Silva Sobrinho,Américo Garcia da; Zeola,Nivea Maria Brancacci Lopes; Almeida,Fabiana Alves de; Cirne,Luís Gabriel Alves; Lima,Ana Rebeca Castro.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of meat from three muscles of Ile de France lambs fed diets containing different levels of glycerin as an alternative to corn. Thirty non-castrated feedlot Ile de France lambs weighing 15±0.2 kg were housed in individual pens and slaughtered at 32±0.2 kg. Treatments consisted of three diets: sugarcane + 0% glycerin; sugarcane + 10% glycerin; and sugarcane + 20% glycerin; and three muscles were evaluated: triceps brachii, semimembranosus, and longissimus lumborum. No interactions were observed among glycerin levels and muscle types for the quality characteristics evaluated. Muscles were similar in terms of physicochemical and nutritional characteristics,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Co-products; Fatty acids; Glycerol; Muscles; Omega-3.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Effects of feed restriction and forage:concentrate ratio on digestibility, methane emission, and energy utilization by goats R. Bras. Zootec.
Lima,Ana Rebeca Castro; Fernandes,Marcia Helena Machado da Rocha; Teixeira,Izabelle Auxiliadora Molina de Almeida; Frighetto,Rosa Toyoko Shiraishi; Bompadre,Thiago Francisco Ventoso; Biagioli,Bruno; Meister,Naomi Cristina; Resende,Kléber Tomás de.
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to to evaluate how feed restriction and different forage:concentrate ratios affect digestibility, methane emission (using the SF6 technique), and energy utilization of Anglo-Nubian goats. Fifteen (15) dry and non-pregnant Anglo Nubian goats, averaging 30±2.9 kg body weight, were used. The experiment was divided into two trials, the first of which was designed to study the effects of feed restriction (0% or ad libitum; 15% of feed restriction or equivalent to 85% of ad libitum intake; and 40% of feed restriction or equivalent to 60% of ad libitum intake) and the second, to study the effects of forage:concentrate (F:C) ratios (75:25, 54:46, and 25:75) in the diet. The sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer gas method was used to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Greenhouse gases; Ruminants; SF6.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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