Large, Philip A.; Agnew, David J.; Alvarez Perez, Jose Angel; Barrio Frojan, Christopher; Cloete, Rudi; Damalas, Dimitrios; Dransfeld, Leonie; Edwards, Charles T. T.; Feist, Stephen; Figueiredo, Ivone; Gonzalez, Fernando; Gil Herrera, Juan; Kenny, Andrew; Jakobsdottir, Klara; Longshaw, Matt; Lorance, Pascal; Marchal, Paul; Mytilineou, Chryssi; Planque, Benjamin; Politou, Chrissi-yianna. |
Scientific interest in deep-water marine resources has increased dramatically over the last 10-20 years as management bodies have sought advice on how to manage deep-water fisheries and protect deep-water ecosystems. The strengths and weaknesses of the management and monitoring of deep-water stocks, fisheries, and ecosystems in various areas of the world are described, with the objective of informing the EU FP7 DEEPFISHMAN project so that it can fulfill its primary aim, which is to develop strategic options for a short-and long-term management and monitoring ecosystem-based framework for the northeast Atlantic. To provide a baseline, the current monitoring and management regime in the northeast Atlantic is reviewed, followed by a brief description of the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Deep-water; Fisheries; Ecosystem; Monitoring; Management. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00142/25321/24803.pdf |
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