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Preferred pH of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen acclimated to different pH levels 65
Riffel,Ana Paula Konzen; Jardim,Sinara; Pires,Marcela Ciprandi; Bertagnolli,Bruna; Corrêa,Bruna Renata Silva; Ré,Francine Cenzi de; Zambra,Francis Maria Bao; Lubini,Greice; Garcia,Luciano Oliveira; Baldisserotto,Bernardo.
The aim of this study was to investigate the preferred pH in silver catfish Rhamdia quelen acclimated to different pH. Fish were acclimated for one week at pH 4.2±0.1, 5.2±0.1, 6.3±0.1, 7.2±0.1, 8.0±0.1, and 9.0±0.1 and after this period, transferred to a polyethylene tube with a pH gradient from 3.5 to 10.0. The position of the fish in the pH gradient was observed 1, 6 and 12 hours after transference. Results indicated that acclimation to different pH did not change pH preference of silver catfish (pH 7.0-7.6), occurring only a transitory variation around 6 hours after transference. This pH preference coincides with the best pH indicated in the literature for growth of this species.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: PH preference; Water quality; Behavior.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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SSD - a free software for designing multimeric mono-, bi- and trivalent shRNAs 74
Carli,Gabriel José de; Rotela,Abdon Troche; Lubini,Greice; Contiliani,Danyel Fernandes; Candia,Nidia Benítez; Depintor,Thiago S.; Abreu,Fabiano Carlos Pinto de; Simões,Zilá Luz Paulino; Ríos,Danilo Fernández; Pereira,Tiago Campos.
Abstract RNA interference (RNAi) is a powerful gene silencing technology, widely used in analyses of reverse genetics, development of therapeutic strategies and generation of biotechnological products. Here we present a free software tool for the rational design of RNAi effectors, named siRNA and shRNA designer (SSD). SSD incorporates our previously developed software Strand Analysis to construct template DNAs amenable for the large scale production of mono-, bi- and trivalent multimeric shRNAs, via in vitro rolling circle transcription. We tested SSD by creating a trivalent multimeric shRNA against the vitellogenin gene of Apis mellifera. RT-qPCR analysis revealed that our molecule promoted a decrease in more than 50% of the target mRNA, in a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gene silencing; SiRNA; Multimeric; ShRNA; Free software.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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