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Temporal and spatial changes of seagrass meadows in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon ArchiMer
Agostini, S; Marchand, B; Pergent, G.
Aerial photographs and in situ data of the Urbinu Lagoon (one of the largest and deepest ponds in Corsica, Mediterranean Sea) permit the establishment of a cartography of its aquatic benthic assemblages and types of sea-beds. It was possible to distinguish in the photographs submerged structures such as: sand, pebbles, mud and seagrass meadows. Seagrass beds were the predominant vegetation type in this lagoon (comprising 14-29% of the total area depending on the year studied), and their distribution was incorporated into a geographical information database, and then compared with historical data. Temporal and spatial change in seagrass meadows was assessed between 1990 and 1997. Change in total extent was evaluated through a map to map comparison of data...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phanérogames; Lagune méditerranéenne; Traitement d’image; Évolution d’écosystème; Seagrasses; Mediterranean lagoon; Image processing; Change detection.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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