Registros recuperados: 10 | |
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Mazur, Kasia; Bennett, Jeffrey W.. |
Protecting environmental services generates social benefits. At the same time, private landholders supplying these benefits may face some costs. To provide these services efficiently, policy makers need information about community values for the environment as well as landholders’ costs. This study explores how choice modelling (a non-market valuation technique) is used to estimate comment values. These include use and non-use values for increasing environmental quality in NSW catchments. Non-market valuation techniques for estimating environmental values are reviewed. This is followed by a discussion of methodological aspects of the choice modelling technique and its potential as a regional planning tool for Catchment Management Authorities (CMA’s) |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Nonmarket valuation; Choice modelling; Trade-offs; Bio-physical modelling; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/94716 |
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Mazur, Kasia; Bennett, Jeffrey W.. |
The incentives that motivate respondents to reveal their preferences truthfully have been a long-standing area of research in the non-market valuation literature. A number of studies have been undertaken to investigate incentive compatibility in nonmarket valuation. Most of these used laboratory environments rather than field surveys (e.g. Carson and Burton, 2008, Harrison, 2007, Lusk and Schroeder, 2004, Racevskis and Lupi, 2008). Only a few studies investigating incentive compatibility have considered multi-attribute public goods with an explicit provision rule in a choice experiment (Carson and Groves, 2007, Collins and Vossler, 2009, Carson and Burton, 2008). The design of a choice modelling study that avoids strategic behaviour has proven particularly... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Choice modelling; Incentive comparability; Provision rule; Non-market valuation; Environment; Environmental Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/59101 |
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Mazur, Kasia; Bennett, Jeffrey W.. |
The survey was designed to estimate environmental values suitable for integration into MOSAIC, a bio-economic model for catchment and farm level planning. Local residents, as well as distant rural and distant urban communities, were surveyed in three NSW catchments (Lachlan, Namoi and Hawkesbury-Nepean) using choice modelling (CM). The survey aimed to find out respondents’ attitudes about, and preferences for, potential natural resource management (NRM) improvements. In total, 3,997 responses were collected from seven different locations in NSW. Fourteen split samples were established to allow for testing of incentive compatibility in CM, the impact of respondent location on values held, and scale effects. This research report describes the development... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Nonmarket valuation; Choice modelling; Survey; Questionnaire design; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/94813 |
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Registros recuperados: 10 | |