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Effect of ractopamine on the chemical and physical characteristics of pacu(Piaractus mesopotamicus) steaks Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Oliveira,L.M.F.S.; Leal,R.S.; Mesquita,T.C.; Pimenta,M.E.S.G.; Zangeronimo,M.G.; Sousa,R.V.; Alvarenga,R.R..
The objective was to evaluate the use of ractopamine (RAC) in the diet for pacu (Piaractus mesopotaminus) in the finishing phase on some quality parameters of the fillets. Thirty-five animals weighing 0.868±0.168kg were distributed in a completely randomised design with five treatments (0.0 - control; 11.25, 22.50, 33.75 and 45 ppm of RAC) and seven replicates with two fillets obtained from the same animal. The diets were isocaloric and isoprotein and experimental time was 90 days. RAC did not affect (P&gt;0.05) the initial pH or ph after 24 hours of the fillets. Compared to the control, RAC increased (P<0.05) the moisture content of the fillets in natura and lipid oxidation of samples stored for 12 days in the refrigerator or freezer for 60 days....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fish; Lipid oxidation; Animal production; Fillet quality.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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