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Ocean FAIR Data Services ArchiMer
Tanhua, Toste; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Hausman, Jessica; O’brien, Kevin; Bricher, Pip; De Bruin, Taco; Buck, Justin J. H.; Burger, Eugene F.; Carval, Thierry; Casey, Kenneth S.; Diggs, Steve; Giorgetti, Alessandra; Glaves, Helen; Harscoat, Valerie; Kinkade, Danie; Muelbert, Jose H.; Novellino, Antonio; Pfeil, Benjamin; Pulsifer, Peter L.; Van De Putte, Anton; Robinson, Erin; Schaap, Dick; Smirnov, Alexander; Smith, Neville; Snowden, Derrick; Spears, Tobias; Stall, Shelley; Tacoma, Marten; Thijsse, Peter; Tronstad, Stein; Vandenberghe, Thomas; Wengren, Micah; Wyborn, Lesley; Zhao, Zhiming.
Well-founded data management systems are of vital importance for ocean observing systems as they ensure that essential data are not only collected but also retained and made accessible for analysis and application by current and future users. Effective data management requires collaboration across activities including observations, metadata and data assembly, quality assurance and control (QA/QC), and data publication that enables local and interoperable discovery and access and secures archiving that guarantees long-term preservation. To achieve this, data should be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). Here, we outline how these principles apply to ocean data and illustrate them with a few examples. In recent decades, ocean data...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: FAIR; Ocean; Data management; Data services; Ocean observing; Standardization; Interoperability.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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ILTER - The International Long-Term Ecological Research Network as a Platform for Global Coastal and Ocean Observation ArchiMer
Muelbert, Jose H.; Nidzieko, Nicholas J.; Acosta, Alicia T. R.; Beaulieu, Stace E.; Bernardino, Angelo F.; Boikova, Elmira; Bornman, Thomas G.; Cataletto, Bruno; Deneudt, Klaas; Eliason, Erika; Kraberg, Alexandra; Nakaoka, Masahiro; Pugnetti, Alessandra; Ragueneau, Olivier; Scharfe, Mirco; Soltwedel, Thomas; Sosik, Heidi M.; Stanisci, Angela; Stefanova, Kremena; Stephan, Pierre; Stier, Adrian; Wikner, Johan; Zingone, Adriana.
Understanding the threats to global biodiversity and ecosystem services posed by human impacts on coastal and marine environments requires the establishment and maintenance of ecological observatories that integrate the biological, physical, geological, and biogeochemical aspects of ecosystems. This is crucial to provide scientists and stakeholders with the support and knowledge necessary to quantify environmental change and its impact on the sustainable use of the seas and coasts. In this paper, we explore the potential for the coastal and marine components of the International Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) to fill this need for integrated global observation, and highlight how ecological observations are necessary to address the challenges...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change; Marine ecosystems; Ecology; EOVs; SWOT; DEIMS.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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