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Spatial analysis of the trophic interactions between two juvenile fish species and their preys along a coastal-estuarine gradient ArchiMer
Kopp, Dorothee; Le Bris, Herve; Grimaud, Lucille; Nerot, Caroline; Brind'Amour, Anik.
Coastal and estuarine systems provide nursery grounds for many marine fish species. Their productivity has been correlated with terrigeneous inputs entering the coastal-estuarine benthic food web, thereby favouring the establishment of fish juveniles. Studies in these ecosystems often describe the nursery as a single large habitat without verifying nor considering the presence of contiguous habitats. Our study aimed at identifying different habitats based on macrozoobenthic communities and morpho-sedimentary characteristics and assessing the trophic interactions between fish juveniles and their benthic preys within these habitats. It included 43 sampling sites covering 5 habitats in which we described taxonomically and quantitatively the invertebrates and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stable isotopes; Gut content; Food web; Nursery ground; Solea solea; Trisopterus luscus.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Sequential resuspension of biofilm components (viruses, prokaryotes and protists) as measured by erodimetry experiments in the Brouage mudflat (French Atlantic coast) ArchiMer
Dupuy, Christine; Mallet, Clarisse; Guizien, Katell; Montanie, Helene; Breret, Martine; Mornet, Francoise; Fontaine, Camille; Nerot, Caroline; Orvain, Francis.
Resuspension thresholds in terms of friction velocity were experimentally quantified for the prokaryotes, protists and for the first time, viruses of intertidal mudflat biofilms. Differences in resuspension thresholds could be related to the type, behaviour and size of microorganisms and their association with particles. Free microorganisms (viruses, bacteria and some nanoflagellates) were resuspended by weak flow at friction velocities lower than 2 cm s- 1. Chlorophyll a, some nanoflagellates and attached bacteria were resuspended together with the bed’s muddy sediment, which required friction velocities larger than 3 cm s- 1. Diatoms smaller than 60 μm were resuspended at velocities between 3 and 5 cm s- 1, while those larger than 60 μm were resuspended...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Viruses; Microorganisms; Resuspension; Benthic-pelagic coupling; Spatial distribution; Mudflat.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Stable isotope ratios in bentho-demersal biota along a depth gradient in the bay of biscay: A multitrophic study ArchiMer
Schaal, Gauthier; Nerot, Caroline; Grall, Jacques; Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Lorrain, Anne; Mortillaro, Jean-michel; Savoye, Nicolas; Brind'Amour, Anik; Paulet, Yves-marie; Le Bris, Herve.
Although stable isotope ratios are increasingly used to investigate the trophic ecology of marine organisms, their spatial variations are still poorly understood in the coastal environment. In this study, we measured the stable isotope composition (δ13C, δ15N) of suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) (primary producer), a suspension feeder, the great scallop Pecten maximus (primary consumer), megabenthic decapods and benthic fishes (secondary consumers) along a depth gradient (from 5m to 155m depth) across the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay. Although the three trophic levels exhibited similar δ13C patterns along the gradient, the δ15N patterns varied between SPOM, scallops and carnivores. The δ15N difference between SPOM and scallops...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Trophic; Coastal; Bivalves; Food web; Bay of Biscay.
Ano: 2016 URL:
Registros recuperados: 3
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