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Informing the Financing of Universal Energy Access: An Assessment of Current Flows AgEcon
Bazilian, Morgan; Nussbaumer, Patrick; Gualberti, Giorgio; Haites, Erik; Levi, Michael; Siegel, Judy; Kammen, Daniel M.; Fenhann, Joergen.
Energy poverty is widely recognized as a major obstacle to economic and social development and poverty alleviation. To help inform the design of appropriate and effective policies to reduce energy poverty, we present a brief analysis of the current macro financial flows in the electricity and gas distribution sectors in developing countries. We build on the methodology used to quantify the flows of investment in the climate change area. This methodology relies on national gross fixed capital formation, overseas development assistance, and foreign direct investment. These high-level and aggregated investment figures provide a sense of scale to policy-makers, but are only a small part of the information required to design financial vehicles. In addition,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Energy Access; Energy Finance; Financial flows; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q4.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Energy Access Scenarios to 2030 for the Power Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa AgEcon
Bazilian, Morgan; Nussbaumer, Patrick; Rogner, Hans-Holger; Brew-Hammond, Abeeku; Foster, Vivien; Kammen, Daniel M.; Pachauri, Shonali; Eric, Williams; Howells, Mark; Niyongabo, Philippe; Musaba, Lawrence; O Gallachoir, Brian; Radka, Mark.
In order to reach a goal of universal access to modern energy services in Africa by 2030, consideration of various electricity sector pathways is required to help inform policy-makers and investors, and help guide power system design. To that end, and building on existing tools and analysis, we present several ‘high-level’, transparent, and economy-wide scenarios for the sub-Saharan African power sector to 2030. We construct these simple scenarios against the backdrop of historical trends and various interpretations of universal access. They are designed to provide the international community with an indication of the overall scale of the effort required. We find that most existing projections, using typical long-term forecasting methods for power...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Energy Access; Power System Planning; Sub-Saharan Africa; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C1; Q41; Q47.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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