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Picault, David; Lesueur, Marie; Noel, Julien; Lepetit, Audrey; Nys, Cecile; Pellan, Cécile; Trougan, Mélissa; Rezgani, Wafa; Souidi, Safa. |
This report is part of the GIFS Project Activity 1 "Governance of coastal zones and maritime fisheries", the objectives of which are: *To understand the different modes of coastal governance of the study area and identify management practices. *To inventory and understand the approaches and existing management frameworks throughout the study area, as well as to identify the place held by maritime fishing in the latter. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00500/61202/64748.pdf |
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Pendleton, Linwood H; Beyer, Hawthorne; Estradivari,; Grose, Susan O; Hoegh-guldberg, Ove; Karcher, Denis B; Kennedy, Emma; Llewellyn, Lyndon; Nys, Cecile; Shapiro, Aurélie; Jain, Rahul; Kuc, Katarzyna; Leatherland, Terry; O’hainnin, Kira; Olmedo, Guillermo; Seow, Lynette; Tarsel, Mick; Blasiak, Robert. |
Ocean ecosystems are in decline, yet we also have more ocean data, and more data portals, than ever before. To make effective decisions regarding ocean management, especially in the face of global environmental change, we need to make the best use possible of these data. Yet many data are not shared, are hard to find, and cannot be effectively accessed. We identify three classes of challenges to data sharing and use: uploading, aggregating, and navigating. While tremendous advances have occurred to improve ocean data operability and transparency, the effect has been largely incremental. We propose a suite of both technical and cultural solutions to overcome these challenges including the use of natural language processing, automatic data translation,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Combinatorial machine; Collaboration; Data aggregation; Data sharing; Data uploading; Ocean conservation. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00500/61162/64743.pdf |
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Schmidt, Sabine; Maudire, Gilbert; Nys, Cecile; Sudre, Joel; Harscoat, Valerie; Dibarboure, Gérald; Huynh, Frédéric. |
The past few decades have seen a marked acceleration in the amount of marine observation data derived using both in situ and remote sensing measurements. For example, high-frequency monitoring of key physical-chemical parameters has become an essential tool for assessing natural and human-induced changes in coastal waters as well as their consequences on society. The number and variety of data acquisition techniques require efficient methods of improving data availability. The challenge is to make ocean data available via interoperable portals, which facilitate data sharing according to Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) principles for producers and users. Ocean DAta Information and Services (ODATIS) aims to become a unique gateway to... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean; Data repository; Interoperability; FAIR; Data and service center. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00667/77872/80019.pdf |
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