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Spatial patterns over a 24-year period show an increase in native vegetation cover and decreased fragmentation in Andean temperate landscapes, Chile 118
Petitpas,Robert; Ibarra,José Tomás; Miranda,Marcelo; Bonacic,Cristián.
R. Petitpas, J.T. Ibarra, M. Miranda, and C. Bonacic. 2016. Spatial patterns in a 24-year period show a case of increase forest cover and decrease fragmentation in Andean temperate landscapes, Chile. Cien. Inv. Agr. 43(3):384-395. Changes in landscape pattern were studied in a temperate landscape of the La Araucanía Region, Chile. Using aerial photographs from 1983 and 2007, we created land use/land cover maps. We then quantified the changes in composition and configuration by using landscape metrics and an adjacency matrix. By 2007, the dominant land cover had changed from agriculture to native vegetation. Residential areas showed the largest relative increase (670%) and had significant adjacency with native vegetation. The native vegetation increased by...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Fragmentation; Landscape change; Native vegetation recovery; Temperate forest.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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