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Lime application methods, water and bottom soil acidity in fresh water fish ponds 63
Queiroz,Julio Ferraz de; Nicolella,Gilberto; Wood,Charles Wesley; Boyd,Claude Elson.
Although some methods for determining lime requirement of pond soils are available and commonly used, there is still no consensus on whether it is more effective to apply liming materials to the bottoms of empty ponds or to wait and apply them over the water surface after ponds are filled. There is also little information on how deep lime reacts in pond sediment over time, and whether the depth of reaction is different when liming materials are applied to the water or to the soil. Therefore, three techniques for treating fish ponds with agricultural limestone were evaluated in ponds with clayey soils at a commercial fish farm. Amounts of agricultural limestone equal to the lime requirement of bottom soils were applied to each of three ponds by: direct...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Liming; Total alkalinity; Total hardness; Sediments.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Hematological and morphometric blood value of four cultured species of economically important tropical foodfish 83
Dal'Bó,Genoefa Amália; Sampaio,Fernanda Garcia; Losekann,Marcos Eliseu; Queiroz,Julio Ferraz de; Luiz,Alfredo José Barreto; Wolf,Verena Hildegard Gyárfas; Gonçalves,Vitória Teodoro; Carra,Maria Lidia.
The use and validation of fish health monitoring tools have become increasingly evident due to aquaculture expansion. This study investigated the hematology and blood morphometrics of Piaractus mesopotamicus, Brycon orbignyanus, Oreochromis niloticus and Rhamdia quelen. The fish were kept for 30 days in 300-liter aquariums, after which they were anesthetized with benzocaine and blood was collected from caudal vessels. In comparison to other species, B. orbignyanus presented the highest hematocrit (Ht), RBC averages and Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) with a particular range of data. B. orbignyanus presented lower Ht, Hb, RBC averages and values, and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC). Oreochromis niloticus presented lower Ht, Hb, RBC averages...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Fish stress; Health status; Hematological values; Tropical fish species.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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