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Mid-infrared spectroscopic analysis of chemically bound metalcasting sands NWISRL
Miguel, Roberto E.; Dungan, R.S.; Reeves III, J.B..
Foundries around the world discard millions of tonnes of molding and core sand each year even though they can be beneficially used in manufactured soils and geotechnical applications. Despite their usefulness as an aggregate replacement, some environmental authorities are concerned over potential negative impacts associated with residual organic binders in waste foundry sands (WFSs). In this study, chemically bound molding and core sands were obtained from aluminum, bronze and iron foundries that used alkyd urethane, phenolic urethane, Novolac, and natural organic binders. The aim was to use mid-infrared (MIR) spectrometry to assess changes within the molding and core sands during the casting process, with a specific focus on proximity to the casting...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Foundry sand.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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