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Microplastics in sediments: A review of techniques, occurrence and effects ArchiMer
Van Cauwenberghe, Lisbeth; Devriese, Lisa; Galgani, Francois; Robbens, Johan; Janssen, Colin R..
Microplastics are omnipresent in the marine environment and sediments are hypothesized to be major sinks of these plastics. Here, over 100 articles spanning the last 50 year are reviewed with following objectives: (i) to evaluate current microplastic extraction techniques, (ii) to discuss the occurrence and worldwide distribution of microplastics in sediments, and (iii) to make a comprehensive assessment of the possible adverse effects of this type of pollution to marine organisms. Based on this review we propose future research needs and conclude that there is a clear need for a standardized techniques, unified reporting units and more realistic effect assessments.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microplastics; Pellets; Sediment; Techniques; Direct effects; Indirect effects.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Oyster reproduction is affected by exposure to polystyrene microplastics ArchiMer
Sussarellu, Rossana; Suquet, Marc; Thomas, Yoann; Lambert, Christophe; Fabioux, Caroline; Pernet, Marie Eve Julie; Le Goic, Nelly; Quillien, Virgile; Mingant, Christian; Epelboin, Yanouk; Corporeau, Charlotte; Guyomarch, Julien; Robbens, Johan; Paul-pont, Ika; Soudant, Philippe; Huvet, Arnaud.
Plastics are persistent synthetic polymers that accumulate as waste in the marine environment. Microplastic (MP) particles are derived from the breakdown of larger debris or can enter the environment as microscopic fragments. Because filter-feeder organisms ingest MP while feeding, they are likely to be impacted by MP pollution. To assess the impact of polystyrene microspheres (micro-PS) on the physiology of the Pacific oyster, adult oysters were experimentally exposed to virgin micro-PS (2 and 6 µm in diameter; 0.023 mg·L−1) for 2 mo during a reproductive cycle. Effects were investigated on ecophysiological parameters; cellular, transcriptomic, and proteomic responses; fecundity; and offspring development. Oysters preferentially ingested the 6-µm micro-PS...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microplastic; Reproduction; Energy allocation; Oyster.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Reply to Lenz et al.: Quantifying the smallest microplastics is the challenge for a comprehensive view of their environmental impacts ArchiMer
Huvet, Arnaud; Paul-pont, Ika; Fabioux, Caroline; Lambert, Christophe; Suquet, Marc; Thomas, Yoann; Robbens, Johan; Soudant, Philippe; Sussarellu, Rossana.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Microplastics baseline surveys at the water surface and in sediments of the North-East Atlantic ArchiMer
Maes, Thomas; Van Der Meulen, Myra D; Devriese, Lisa L.; Leslie, Heather A.; Huvet, Arnaud; Frere, Laura; Robbens, Johan; Vethaak, Dick A..
Microplastic contamination was determined in sediments of the Southern North Sea and floating at the sea surface of North West Europe. Floating concentrations ranged between zero and 1.5 microplastic/m3, whereas microplastic concentrations in sediments ranged between zero and 3146 particles/kg dry weight sediment. In sediments, mainly fibers and spheres were found, whereas at the sea surface fragments were dominant. At the sea surface, concentrations of microplastics are lower and more variable than in sediments, meaning that larger sample sizes and water volumes are required to find detectable concentrations. We have calculated the widths of the confidence intervals (CI) for different sample sizes, to give a first indication of the necessary sample size...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microplastics; Marine litter; Floating debris; Sediment; Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD); Baseline.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Ocean current connectivity propelling the secondary spread of a marine invasive comb jelly across western Eurasia ArchiMer
Jaspers, Cornelia; Huwer, Bastian; Antajan, Elvire; Hosia, Aino; Hinrichsen, Hans-harald; Biastoch, Arne; Angel, Dror; Asmus, Ragnhild; Augustin, Christina; Bagheri, Siamak; Beggs, Steven E.; Balsby, Thorsten J. S.; Boersma, Maarten; Bonnet, Delphine; Christensen, Jens T.; Daenhardt, Andreas; Delpy, Floriane; Falkenhaug, Tone; Finenko, Galina; Fleming, Nicholas E. C.; Fuentes, Veronica; Galil, Bella; Gittenberger, Arjan; Griffin, Donal C.; Haslob, Holger; Javidpour, Jamileh; Kamburska, Lyudmila; Kube, Sandra; Langenberg, Victor T.; Lehtiniemi, Maiju; Lombard, Fabien; Malzahn, Arne; Marambio, Macarena; Mihneva, Veselina; Moller, Lene Friis; Niermann, Ulrich; Okyar, Melek Isinibilir; Ozdemir, Zekiye Birinci; Pitois, Sophie; Reusch, Thorsten B. H.; Robbens, Johan; Stefanova, Kremena; Thibault, Delphine; Van Der Veer, Henk W.; Vansteenbrugge, Lies; Van Walraven, Lodewijk; Wozniczka, Adam.
Aim Invasive species are of increasing global concern. Nevertheless, the mechanisms driving further distribution after the initial establishment of non‐native species remain largely unresolved, especially in marine systems. Ocean currents can be a major driver governing range occupancy, but this has not been accounted for in most invasion ecology studies so far. We investigate how well initial establishment areas are interconnected to later occupancy regions to test for the potential role of ocean currents driving secondary spread dynamics in order to infer invasion corridors and the source–sink dynamics of a non‐native holoplanktonic biological probe species on a continental scale. Location Western Eurasia. Time period 1980s–2016. Major taxa studied ‘Comb...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biological invasions; Gelatinous zooplankton; Invasion corridors; Invasive species; Jellyfish; Marine connectivity; Mnemiopsis leidyi; Range expansion; Source populations; Source-sink dynamics.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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