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Linking local retention, self-recruitment, and persistence in marine metapopulations ArchiMer
Lett, Christophe; Tri Nguyen-huu,; Cuif, Marion; Saenz-agudelo, Pablo; Kaplan, David.
Three indices of larval retention have been used in the literature to assess the tendency for self-maintenance of local marine populations: local retention (LR), self-recruitment (SR), and relative local retention (RLR). Only one of these, LR, defined as the ratio of locally produced settlement to local egg production, has a clear relationship to self-persistence of individual sites. However, SR, the ratio of locally produced settlement to settlement of all origins at a site, is generally easier to measure experimentally. We use theoretical, simulation, and empirical approaches to bridge the gap between these different indices, and demonstrate that there is a proportional relationship between SR and LR for metapopulations close to a stable state and with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Connectivity; Larval dispersal; Lifetime egg production; Local retention; Marine reserve; Metapopulation; Network persistence; Population persistence; Self-persistence; Self-recruitment.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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