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Does Small Dam Removal Affect Local Property Values? An Empirical Analysis AgEcon
Provencher, Bill; Sarakinos, Helen; Meyer, Tanya.
This paper uses hedonic analysis to examine the impact of small dam removal on property values in South-central Wiscosin. Data on residential property sales were obtained for three categories of sites: those where a dam is intact, those where a dam was recently removed, and those where the stream has been free-flowing for at least 20 years. The primary conclusions that emerge from the data are that residential property located in the vicinity of a free-flowing stream is more valuable than identical property in the vicinity of a small impoundment, and that shoreline frontage along small impoundments confers no increase in residential property value compared to frontage along free-flowing streams.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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