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Correlation of Skull Size and Brain Volume, with Age, Weight, Height and Body Mass Index of Arak Medical Sciences Students 77
Bayat,Parvin-Dokht; Ghanbari,Ali; Sohouli,Pardis; Amiri,Sara; Sari-Aslani,Payam.
Anthropometric indices that are indicators of nutrition status in children and adults can be affected by racial and geographic factors. The aim of present study was to investigate the relation of skull size and brain volume of Arak University of Medical Sciences students with their age, weight, height and body mass index. The present study was a cross-sectional study on 18-26 years old students of Arak University of Medical Sciences (150 female and 136 male) in 2009-2010 educational year. Sampling methods were probability and multi-stage methods which were performed using students' educational file and interviewing the subjects. Questions regarding anthropometric data (height, weight, age, body mass index and skull index) were included in the personal...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anthropometry; Body Mass Index (BMI); Skull Index; Iran.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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