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Schulz, Lee L.; Schroeder, Ted C.; White, Katharine L..
Replaced with revised version of paper 07/18/10.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Beef steak; Brand premium; Hedonic modeling; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Livestock Production/Industries; Marketing.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Using Weak Separability and Generalized Composite Commodity Theorem in Modeling Ground Beef Demand AgEcon
Schulz, Lee L.; Schroeder, Ted C.; Xia, Tian.
Replaced with revised version of paper 06/15/11.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Aggregation; Generalized Composite Commodity Theorem; Beef demand; Weak separability; Demand and Price Analysis; Q13; Q18; R32.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Trade-Related Policy and Canadian-U.S. Fed Cattle Transactions Basis AgEcon
Schulz, Lee L.; Schroeder, Ted C.; Ward, Clement E..
Price differences among fed cattle prices in Canada and the United States (referred to here as fed cattle basis) are important for Canadian cattle feeders, but changing government regulations in Canada and the United States have made basis more variable. This article uses transaction data from Canadian feedlots to quantify fed cattle price differentials in light of new policy initiatives. Using transaction prices, we find that differing slaughter regulations, labeling laws, and policies affecting access to U.S. markets for Canadian cattle affect fed cattle basis.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Basis; Canada; Cattle prices; Government policy; International trade; Market access; Transaction prices; International Relations/Trade; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Cow-Calf Producer Perceptions Regarding Individual Animal Traceability AgEcon
Schulz, Lee L.; Tonsor, Glynn T..
This study provides valuable insights into cow-calf producer voluntary participation in the National Animal Identification System and producers’ perceptions of several issues critically impacting the success of voluntary traceability systems. Cow-calf producers believe that the most important issues to the U.S. beef industry in designing a national, individual animal traceability system are monitoring/managing disease, maintaining current foreign markets, accessing foreign markets, and increasing consumer confidence. Furthermore, producers are concerned with cost, liability, reliability of technology, failure of system to meet stated goals, and confidentiality of information associated with these systems.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Animal traceability; Cow-calf; National Animal Identification System; Voluntary adoption; Agribusiness; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Labor and Human Capital; Land Economics/Use; Livestock Production/Industries; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Q12; Q18; R38.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Impacts from Government Regulations on the Canadian-U.S. Basis for Fed Cattle AgEcon
Ward, Clement E.; Schroeder, Ted C.; Schulz, Lee L..
Replaced with revised version of paper 09/01/09.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Canada; Fed Cattle; Government Policy; International Trade; Prices; U.S.; Livestock Production/Industries; Marketing; Q13; Q17; Q18.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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