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Optimization of lipids production by Cryptococcus laurentii 11 using cheese whey with molasses 58
Castanha,Rodrigo Fernandes; Mariano,Adriano Pinto; Morais,Lilia Aparecida Salgado de; Scramin,Shirlei; Monteiro,Regina Teresa Rosim.
This study aimed the optimization of culture condition and composition for production of Cryptococcus laurentii 11 biomass and lipids in cheese whey medium supplemented with sugarcane molasses. The optimization of pH, fermentation time, and molasses concentration according to a full factorial statistical experimental design was followed by a Plackett-Burman experimental design, which was used to determine whether the supplementation of the culture medium by yeast extract and inorganic salts could provide a further enhancement of lipids production. The following conditions and composition of the culture medium were found to optimize biomass and lipids production: 360 h fermentation, 6.5 pH and supplementation of (g L-1): 50 molasses, 0.5 yeast extract, 4...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cryptococcus laurentii; Microbial lipids; Cheese whey; Sugarcane molasses; Biodiesel.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Antifungal compound produced by the cassava endophyte Bacillus pumilus MAIIIM4a 63
Melo,Flávia Mandolesi Pereira de; Fiore,Marli Fátima; Moraes,Luiz Alberto Beraldo de; Silva-Stenico,Maria Estela; Scramin,Shirlei; Teixeira,Manoel de Araújo; Melo,Itamar Soares de.
In the search for new organisms and new secondary metabolites, a study was conducted to evaluate the diversity of endophytic bacteria from ethnovarieties of cassava cultivated by Brazilian Amazon Indian tribes and also to study the secondary metabolites produced by a Bacillus pumilus strain. Sixty seven cassava endophytic bacteria were subjected to 16S rRNA sequencing and FAME analysis. The bacterial profile revealed that 25% of all endophytic isolates belonged to the genus Bacillus. The isolate B. pumilus MAIIIM4a showed a strong inhibitory activity against the fungi Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium aphanidermatum and Sclerotium rolfsii. Secondary metabolites of this strain were extracted using hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate. Extracts were subjected...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: ESI-MS/MS; Pumilacidin; Endophytic bacteria; Bioautography.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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