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Productivity pathways: climate-adjusted production frontiers for the Australian broadacre cropping industry 31
Hughes, Neal; Lawson, Kenton; Davidson, Alistair; Jackson, Tom; Sheng, Yu.
This study introduces two advances to the aggregate productivity index methodology typically employed by ABARES. First, it accounts for the effects of climate variability on measured productivity by matching spatial climate data to individual farms in the ABARES farm surveys database. Second, a farm-level production frontier estimation technique is employed to facilitate the decomposition of productivity change into several key components, including technical change and technical efficiency change. The study makes use of farm-level data from the ABARES Australian agricultural and grazing industries survey database. An unbalanced panel dataset is constructed containing 13 430 observations (4255 farms) over the period 1977–78 to 2007–08. Spatial climate...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Public investment in R&D and extension and productivity in Australian broadacre agriculture 31
Sheng, Yu; Gray, Emily M.; Mullen, John D..
This paper uses time-series data to examine the relationship between public research and development (R&D) and extension investment and productivity growth in Australian broadacre agriculture. The results show that public R&D investment has significantly promoted productivity growth in Australia’s broadacre sector over the past five decades (1953 to 2007). Moreover, the relative contributions of domestic and foreign R&D have been roughly equal, accounting for an estimated 0.6 per cent and 0.63 per cent of annual total factor productivity (TFP) growth in the broadacre sector, respectively. The elasticity of TFP to knowledge stocks of research (both domestic and foreign) and extension were estimated to be around 0.20–0.24 and 0.07–0.15,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: R&D; Total factor productivity; Agriculture; Productivity Analysis; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Has growth in productivity in Australian broadacre agriculture slowed? 31
Sheng, Yu; Mullen, John D.; Zhao, Shiji.
Agricultural productivity growth has been strong relative to other sectors in the Australian economy, and relative to the agricultural sectors of other developed countries. However, as commonly observed among other developed economies, growth in productivity in the broadacre sector of Australian agriculture seems to have slowed in the past decade. This paper uses the adjusted cumulative sum square (CUSQ) index to examine the trend stability of total factor productivity in Australian broadacre agriculture over the period 1952-53 to 2006-07. The results show that a significant slowdown occurred around the mid-1990s. Further analysis shows that the slowdown in productivity growth is driven by a longterm decline in public R&D investment in addition to poor...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Total factor productivity; Structural change analysis; CUSUM index; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Productivity and farm size in Australian agriculture: reinvestigating the returns to scale 31
Sheng, Yu; Zhao, Shiji; Nossal, Katarina.
Higher productivity among large farms is often assumed to be a result of increasing returns to scale. However, using farm-level data for the Australian broadacre industry, it was found that constant or mildly decreasing returns to scale is more typical. On examining the monotonic change in marginal input returns as farm operating size increases, it was found that large farms achieve higher productivity through changes in production technology rather than through changes in scale. The results highlight the disparity between ‘returns to scale’ and ‘returns to size’ in Australian agriculture. They also suggest that improving productivity in smaller farms would depend more on their ability to access advanced technologies than their ability to simply expand....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Returns to scale; Returns to size; Production function; Technology progress; Structural adjustment; Australian agriculture; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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