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Hip Joint Ligaments, a Cadaver Imaging Study for Education 77
Shin,Dong Sun; Hwang,Sung Bae; Park,Jin Seo; Park,Hyung Seon; Lee,Sangho; Lee,Seung-Bock; Chung,Min Suk.
The stereoscopic morphology of the iliofemoral, pubofemoral, and ischiofemoral ligaments in hip joint is hard to understand, either in anatomy books or from cadaver dissection. To aid in understanding, three-dimensional models were built from the sectioned images of cadaver hip, which demonstrate fine components better than CTs and MRIs. In the female data of Visible Korean project, the ligaments and neighboring structures were recognized and outlined in detail. Successively, the outlines were stacked and reconstructed to manufacture their surface models by using the sophisticated computer method. The surface models were overlapped with the original sectioned images, which enhanced comprehension of the hip joint anatomy. With the surface models, hip joint...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Hip joint; Ligaments; Visible Human Projects; Cross-sectional anatomy; Three-dimensional imaging.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Portable Document Format File Containing the Surface Models to Learn the Stereoscopic Shape of Foot Muscles 77
Jang,Hae Gwon; Chung,Min Suk; Shin,Dong Sun.
We intended to present a portable document format (PDF) file containing stereoscopic surface models of the foot. While other surface models are subjectively drawn based on anatomical knowledge, our models are reconstructed from high quality sectioned images. Unlike other models, ours in the complimentary PDF file can also be saved on individual user computers to be manipulated off-line. The skin, 27 bones, 24 muscles, and 19 ligaments in the foot were delineated on a male cadaver's sectioned images from the Visible Korean project. After stacking the outlines of the structures, other than those of the ligaments, surface reconstruction was performed. The resultant surface models were placed in a PDF file, in which the models could be superimposed on either...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Visible Human Projects; Foot; Muscles; Three-dimensional imaging; Computer-assisted image processing; User-computer interface.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Virtual Dissection Table Including the Visible Korean Images, Complemented by Free Software of the Same Data 77
Chung,Beom Sun; Shin,Dong Sun; Brown,Paul; Choi,Jack; Chung,Min Suk.
The objective of this study was to introduce the complementary relationship between virtual dissection table (simply, table) and free software, since authors tried to aid interested people in their studying digital human anatomy. Visible Korean (VK) team had presented the serially sectioned images and outlined images of a male cadaver. Thereafter, Anatomage (San Jose, CA) manufactured the table by making 3-dimensional (3D) volume models from the data. Separately, the VK team reconstructed surface models from the same data and inputted the models in portable document format (PDF) file, which can be opened on the personal computer. The software to browse the sectioned and outlined images was also programmed by VK team. In this report, the table and the VK...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Visible Human Projects; Anatomic models; Computer simulation; Cadaver.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Virtual Movement of the Ankle and Subtalar Joints Using Cadaver Surface Models 77
Shin,Dong Sun; Chung,Min Suk.
Medical students in the dissection room do not fully understand the ankle joint for dorsiflexion and plantar flexion as well as the subtalar joint for inversion and eversion. Thus, a three-dimensional simulation of the movements would be beneficial as a complementary pedagogic tool. The bones and five muscles (tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, fibularis longus, fibularis brevis, and fibularis tertius) of the left ankle and foot were outlined in serially sectioned cadaver images from the Visible Korean project. The outlines were verified and revised; and were stacked to build surface models using Mimics software. Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion were simulated using the models on Maya to determine the mediolateral axis. Then, inversion and eversion...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Ankle Joint; Subtalar Joint; Visible Human Projects; Computer-Assisted Image Processing; Three-Dimensional Imaging; User-Computer Interface.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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