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Yttrium and rare earth element partitioning in seawaters from the Bay of Bengal 5
Yu, Zhaojie; Colin, Christophe; Douville, Eric; Meynadier, Laure; Duchamp-alphonse, Stephanie; Sepulcre, Sophie; Wan, Shiming; Song, Lina; Wu, Qiong; Xu, Zhaokai; Bassinot, Frank.
The dissolved Yttrium (Y) and Rare Earth Element (REE) concentrations of seawater samples collected along a north-south hydrological transect within the Bay of Bengal (BoB) have been analyzed to estimate contributions of the Ganges and Brahmaputra (G-B) river inputs to the dissolved REE distribution of the Northern Indian Ocean. Surface water masses of the BoB are characterized by Y/Ho ratios (84) intermediate between the G-B river suspended sediment (41) and water mass from the South Indian Ocean (93). Co-variation of MREE (Middle REE, Sm) and LREE (Light REE, La) concentrations suggests that the dissolved REEs in surface waters (upper 100 m depth) of the BoB (Sm/La = 0.21) appear to derive mainly from the freshwater discharge of the G-B river system. In...
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Ano: 2017 URL:
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