Jensen, A.N.; Dalsgaard, A.; Stockmarr, A.; Nielsen, E.M.; Baggesen, D.L.. |
It was investigated how organic rearing conditions influence the Salmonella enterica infection dynamics in pigs and whether Salmonella persists in the paddock environment. Pigs inoculated with S. enterica serovar Typhimurium were grouped with Salmonella-negative tracer pigs. Bacteriological and serological testing indicated that organic pigs were susceptible to Salmonella infections, as 26 of 46 (56%) tracer pigs turned culture positive. An intermittent and mainly low-level excretion of Salmonella (<100 cells per g partly explains why the bacteriological prevalence appeared lower than the seroprevalence. Salmonella persisted in the paddock environment, as Salmonella was isolated from 46% of soil and water samples (n = 294). After removal of pigs,... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Pigs. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/9158/1/9158.pdf |
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Ingvordsen, Cathrine Heinz; Backes, Gunter; Lyngkjær, M.; Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo; Jensen, Jens D.; Jalli, Marja; Jahoor, Ahmed; Rasmussen, Morten; Mikkelsen, Tesi N.; Stockmarr, A.; Jørgensen, Rikke Bagger. |
tThe response in production parameters to projected future levels of temperature, atmospheric carbondioxide ([CO2]), and ozone ([O3]) was investigated in 138 spring barley accessions. The comprehensive setof landraces, cultivars, and breeder-lines, were during their entire life cycle exposed to a two-factor treat-ment of combined elevated temperature (+5°C day/night) and [CO2] (700 ppm), as well as single-factortreatments of elevated temperature (+5°C day/night), [CO2] (700 ppm), and [O3] (100–150 ppb). Thecontrol treatment was equivalent to present average South Scandinavian climate (temperature: 19/12◦C(day/night), [CO2]: 385 ppm). Overall grain yield was found to decrease 29% in the two-factor treatmentwith concurrent elevation of [CO2] and temperature,... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Production systems Food security; Food quality and human health Air and water emissions Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/28030/7/28030.pdf |
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