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Ge and Si isotope signatures in rivers: A quantitative multi-proxy approach ArchiMer
Baronas, J. Jotautas; Torres, Mark A.; West, A. Joshua; Rouxel, Olivier; Georg, Bastian; Bouchez, Julien; Gaillardet, Jerome; Hammond, Douglas E..
Solutes derived from the dissolution of silicate minerals play a key role in Earth’s climate via the carbon and other biogeochemical cycles. Silicon (Si) is a unique constituent of silicate minerals and a biologically important nutrient, so tracing its behavior in near-surface environments may provide important insights into weathering processes. However, Si released by weathering is variably incorporated into secondary mineral phases and biota, obscuring signals derived from primary weathering processes. Due to chemical similarities, Germanium (Ge) may help better understand the Si cycle and its relationship to chemical weathering. With this aim, we report new measurements of the concentration and isotopic composition of Ge for both the dissolved and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Germanium; Silicon; Isotopes; Rivers; Weathering; Fractionation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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