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Uncertainties associated with in situ high-frequency long-term observations of suspended particulate matter concentration using optical and acoustic sensors ArchiMer
Fettweis, Michael; Riethmüller, Rolf; Verney, Romaric; Becker, Marius; Backers, Joan; Baeye, Matthias; Chapalain, Marion; Claeys, Styn; Claus, Jan; Cox, Tom; Deloffre, Julien; Depreiter, Davy; Druine, Flavie; Flöser, Götz; Grünler, Steffen; Jourdin, Frédéric; Lafite, Robert; Nauw, Janine; Nechad, Bouchra; Röttgers, Rüdiger; Sottolichio, Aldo; Van Engeland, Tom; Vanhaverbeke, Wim; Vereecken, Hans.
Measurement of suspended particulate matter concentration (SPMC) spanning large time and geographical scales have become a matter of growing importance in recent decades. At many places worldwide, complex observation platforms have been installed to capture temporal and spatial variability over scales ranging from cm (turbulent regimes) to whole basins. Long-term in situ measurements of SPMC involve one or more optical and acoustical sensors and, as the ground truth reference, gravimetric measurements of filtered water samples. The estimation of SPMC from optical and acoustical proxies generally results from the combination of a number of independent calibration measurements, as well as regression or inverse models. Direct or indirect measurements of SPMC...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Suspended particulate matter; Measurement uncertainty; Regression; Optical and acoustical sensors.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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