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Best practice report – Operation and Maintenance requirements. Deliverable 3.6.3 from the MERiFIC Project ArchiMer
Maisondieu, Christophe; Johanning, Lars; Weller, Samuel.
This report is a deliverable of MERiFIC Work Package 3.6: ‘Operation and Maintenance requirements’ and has been produced as a cross border collaboration between IFREMER and the University of Exeter. The report provides an overview of guidelines and recommendations for the management of O&M operations necessary for an optimal exploitation of Marine energy plants, with a focus on the specific areas of South West Cornwall, UK and Iroise sea, Brittany, France. An overview of the onshore infrastructures and ports possibly suitable for management of such O&M operations is also provided. Management of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance operations are discussed in their various aspects including site accessibility. It should be noted that this topic,...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Synthetic rope responses in the context of load history: The influence of aging ArchiMer
Weller, Samuel; Davies, Peter; Vickers, A. W.; Johanning, L..
In order to design marine renewable energy mooring systems which are both economical and durable it is necessary to establish the lifecycle performance of individual components. In parallel with numerical tool development, physical component testing utilising realistic load cases is pivotal in achieving a greater understanding of performance variations including the contribution of degradation mechanisms. Building upon previous experimental tests conducted by the authors, tension–tension tests were conducted on a sample used in first part of the study and samples extracted from a mooring line which was deployed for 18 months with the South West Mooring Test Facility. In agreement with the first part of the study it was found that sample axial stiffness and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Synthetic mooring rope; Nylon; Marine renewable energy (MRE) device; Load history; Operational and long-term performance; Damage.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Synthetic mooring ropes for marine renewable energy applications ArchiMer
Weller, Samuel; Johanning, L.; Davies, Peter; Banfield, S. J..
Synthetic mooring ropes have a proven track record of use in harsh operating conditions over the past two decades. As one of the main users of ropes for permanent mooring systems, the oil and gas industry has opted for these components because they possess performance characteristics and economies of scale which are in many respects superior to steel components. Given this accrued experience, it is unsurprising that several marine renewable energy (MRE) device developers have utilised synthetic ropes, motivated by the need to specify economical, reliable and durable mooring systems. Whilst these components are potentially an enabling technology for the MRE sector, this is a new field of application which can feature highly dynamic mooring tensions and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Synthetic mooring ropes Marine renewable energy Material properties Classification and testing Installation; Operation and maintenance Inspection.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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