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Development of Agricultural Recycle Economy in Arid Areas of Hexi Corridor-A Case Study of Zhangye city AgEcon
Chen, Yu.
Taking Zhangye City as an example, the thesis analyzes the restricted factors of resources and environment confronted by the agriculture in arid area of Hexi Corridor: the first is the agricultural natural resources. The area of cultivated land decreases year by year, and there are sharp decrease of biological diversity as well as the shortage and waste of water resources; the second is the ecological environment. There are critical soil erosion, frequent natural disaster and outstanding agricultural area source pollution; the third is the rural economy. The agricultural structure still can not meet the need of agricultural development in recent years, and the proportion of agricultural product processing is low. It points out that implementation of...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Zhangye city; Restriction of resources and environment; Agricultural recycle economy; Countermeasures; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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