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In Silico Identification of MicroRNAs with B/CYDV Gene Silencing Potential BABT
Bouallègue,Maryem; Bouktila,Dhia; Mezghani-Khemakhem,Maha; Capy,Pierre; Makni,Mohamed.
ABSTRACT Computational investigation of a set of publicly available plant microRNAs revealed 19 barley- and other plants-encoded miRNAs and their near-complement reverse sequences (miRNA*) that have potential to bind all B/CYDV open reading frames (ORFs) except ORF0 and ORF6. These miRNAs/miRNAs*, their binding positions and targets are discussed in the context of biological protection of cereals against B/CYDV, based on antiviral silencing.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Barley/Cereal Yellow Dwarf virus (B/CYDV); MicroRNA; Gene silencing; Host defense.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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