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Morphology of the Cement-Enamel Junction (CEJ), Clinical Correlations International Journal of Morphology
Roa,Ignacio; del Sol,Mariano; Cuevas,Johan.
The following study describes the mineralized tissue distribution which composes the cement-enamel junction, in a simple of Chilean people, comparing several teeth surfaces. Cervical area was observed (M-V, D-V, M-L/P, D-L/P sites) from 136 (n=68) longitudinal sections on premolars and incisors, with orthodontic or prosthetic reasons for exodontia, which were analyzed by optical microscope in order to identify the type of cement-enamel junction. For that measurement it was Choquet's criteria, founding four types: 1) cement over enamel, 2) enamel over cement, 3) vis a vis, 4) Gap presence between enamel, cement and exposed dentin. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of these. As result, it was observed that there was no association...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Enamel; Cement; CEJ; Clinical aspects.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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