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Risk-Adjusted Comparison of Conservation Reserve Program Payments Versus Production Payments for a Corn-Soybean Farmer AgEcon
Ibendahl, Gregory A..
Conservation reserve program (CRP) payments amount to several billion dollars annually. Payments are allocated to both remove land from production and to help farmers pay for conservation improvements. However, research examining whether farmers increase their utility with CRPs is limited. This paper uses simulation analysis and certainty equivalents to compare farming income to payments under the CRP. Farming income is a combination of crop production and government payments as specified in the 2002 Farm Bill. This analysis focuses on farms in three different counties in Kentucky. Results indicate that CRPs are good choices for many farmers.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Certainty equivalents; Conservation; CRP; Government payments; Risk; Simulation; Q15; Q18; Q16; C15.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Betubiza, Eustacius N.; Leatham, David J..
A discrete stochastic, programming model is formulated to study the gains from diversification when farming operations are augmented with off-farm financial assets that are not highly correlated with returns from farming. We extend past research by considering the dynamics of accumulating these financial assets and the farm's leverage and tenure position. Results show that farmers' income level and stability can be improved by including nonfarm financial assets in their portfolios.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural finance; Certainty equivalents; Discrete stochastic programming; Land investments; Off-farm investments; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Private Decisions and Public Goods: Trade-Offs in the Conservation Programs in the New Farm Bill: Discussion AgEcon
Davis, Todd D..
The 2002 Farm Bill creates several opportunities for landowners to adopt management practices that protect and improve soil and water quality. Landowners considering enrollment in conservation programs must compare the monetary and nonmonetary costs and benefits from removing land from production agriculture. The overall purpose of this invited paper session was to improve the understanding of the factors affecting a landowner’s decision to enroll in conservation programs. Papers addressed the environmental benefits of conservation programs and compared the returns to enrolling in conservation programs to the returns from production agriculture.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Certainty equivalents; Conservation; Econometrics; Government payments; Risk; Simulation; Q18; Q16; C15; C31.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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