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Temporal and spatial changes of seagrass meadows in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon ArchiMer
Agostini, S; Marchand, B; Pergent, G.
Aerial photographs and in situ data of the Urbinu Lagoon (one of the largest and deepest ponds in Corsica, Mediterranean Sea) permit the establishment of a cartography of its aquatic benthic assemblages and types of sea-beds. It was possible to distinguish in the photographs submerged structures such as: sand, pebbles, mud and seagrass meadows. Seagrass beds were the predominant vegetation type in this lagoon (comprising 14-29% of the total area depending on the year studied), and their distribution was incorporated into a geographical information database, and then compared with historical data. Temporal and spatial change in seagrass meadows was assessed between 1990 and 1997. Change in total extent was evaluated through a map to map comparison of data...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phanérogames; Lagune méditerranéenne; Traitement d’image; Évolution d’écosystème; Seagrasses; Mediterranean lagoon; Image processing; Change detection.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Monitoring vegetation coverage in Tongren from 2000 to 2016 based on Landsat7 ETM+ and Landsat8 Anais da ABC (AABC)
Abstract Vegetation coverage is an important indicator in regional ecological environment monitoring and plays a key role in its quality assessment. We consider Landsat7 ETM+ in 2000 and Landsat8 in 2016 as data sources using a different time phase partial image substitution method to eliminate cloud effects and an NDVI dimidiate pixel model to invert the vegetation coverage of the two time phases. We further classify them into five grades, provide statistics and analyse the areas of different grades at different time periods, while monitoring the spatial evolution of vegetation coverage over the past 16 years in Tongren. Experimental results showed that: (1) the different time phase partial image substitution method could reduce the influence of clouds on...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: China Tongren; Landsat7 ETM+; Landsat8; Vegetation coverage; Change detection.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Seafloor change detection using multibeam echosounder backscatter: case study on the Belgian part of the North Sea ArchiMer
Montereale-gavazzi, Giacomo; Roche, Marc; Lurton, Xavier; Degrendele, Koen; Terseleer, Nathan; Van Lancker, Vera.
To characterize seafloor substrate type, seabed mapping and particularly multibeam echosounding are increasingly used. Yet, the utilisation of repetitive MBES-borne backscatter surveys to monitor the environmental status of the seafloor remains limited. Often methodological frameworks are missing, and should comprise of a suite of change detection procedures, similarly to those developed in the terrestrial sciences. In this study, pre-, ensemble and post-classification approaches were tested on an eight km2 study site within a Habitat Directive Area in the Belgian part of the North Sea. In this area, gravel beds with epifaunal assemblages were observed. Flourishing of the fauna is constrained by overtopping with sand or increased turbidity levels, which...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Multibeam; Seafloor backscatter; Change detection; Seafloor integrity; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Reference calibration area.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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