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Examples of spatial and temporal variations of some fine-grained suspended particle characteristics in two Danish coastal water bodies ArchiMer
Mikkelsen, Oa.
In June and September of 1999, a LISST-100 in situ laser diffraction particle sizer was used to analyse the temporal and spatial variation of the beam attenuation coefficient, the in situ median particle (aggregate) diameter and the median volume concentration of suspended matter in two Danish coastal water bodies. One of the study sites was generally exposed to wind, while the other was quite sheltered. Measurements of the mass concentration of total suspended matter and chl a were made simultaneously. The in situ median effective density, settling velocity and vertical flux of the suspended matter are computed. Results demonstrate that in September, the in situ median aggregate diameter, settling velocity and vertical flux was smaller (by a factor of up...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Agrégation; Diffraction laser; Spectre de taille des particules; Dimension fractale; Vitesse de sédimentation; Aggregation; Laser diffraction; Particle size spectra; Fractal dimension; Settling velocity.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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