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Physiological and behavioral responses of phytoplankton communities to nutrient availability in a disturbed Mediterranean coastal lagoon ArchiMer
Leruste, A.; Pasqualini, V.; Garrido, M.; Malet, Nathalie; De Wit, R.; Bec, Beatrice.
Short-term bioassays were conducted in Biguglia lagoon (Corsica) to study the physiological and behavioral responses of phytoplankton to N- and P-availability. Natural communities were collected in two stations representative of the two sub-basins, at three periods with contrasting environmental characteristics to address the impact of seasonal variability. These samples were separately enriched with a full N and P enrichment, and with enrichments minus N or minus P. Phytoplankton size structuration, diversity, and growth of the total phytoplankton, the micro-, nano- and ultraphytoplankton were evaluated using spectrofluorimetry, and optical microscopy. Results showed that the communities were fueled by NO3− in the wet periods (autumn and spring) and NH4+...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Growth rate; Dilution experiment; Eutrophication; Functional traits.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Phytoplankton strategies to exploit nutrients in coastal lagoons with different eutrophication status during re-oligotrophication ArchiMer
Leruste, A; Guilhaumon, F; De Wit, R; Malet, Nathalie; Collos, Y; Bec, Beatrice.
We studied a mesotrophic and a hypertrophic Mediterranean coastal lagoon, both of which had been simultaneously subjected to a nutrient input reduction for 9 yr. We compared these 2 lagoons to an oligotrophic coastal lagoon. Using bioassays comprising 24 h incubations with added phosphorus and/or ammonium, we investigated the response of the phytoplankton communities to nutrient enrichment during summer in terms of biomass, size class structure, abundance and growth. For nitrogen and phosphorus, we identified which nutrient limited phytoplankton growth, and what strategies of nutrient exploitation the communities adopted to cope with these limitations. Ultraphytoplankton dominated the 3 communities, but it differed in composition among the lagoons. Green...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Growth rate; Nutrient limitation; Dilution experiment; HPLC.
Ano: 2019 URL:
Registros recuperados: 2
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