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Adoption and Impacts of Zero-Tillage in the Rice-Wheat Zone of Irrigated Punjab, Pakistan AgEcon
Farooq, Umar; Sharif, Muhammad; Erenstein, Olaf.
This study documents the adoption and impacts of zero-tillage (ZT) wheat in the ricewheat systems of Pakistan’s Punjab province primarily drawing on a detailed empirical survey of 458 rice-wheat farmers. Our random stratified sample revealed 19% to be ZT wheat adopters and a similar share of the wheat area in the surveyed communities to be under ZT. The study suggests that diffusion has stagnated and also flags the issue of disadoption (14%). ZT adopters, non-adopters, and disadopters differ significantly in terms of their resource bases, with adopters typically showing the most favorable values. ZT drastically reduces tractor operations in farmers’ ZT wheat fields from an average of 8 passes to a single pass, implying a saving of 7 tractor hours and 35...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Wheat; Rice; Agricultural development; Drilling equipment; Economic analysis; Innovation adoption; Farming systems; Cropping patterns; Production costs; Zero tillage; Pakistan; Crop Production/Industries; E16; F08.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Adoption and Impacts of Zero-Tillage in the Rice-Wheat Zone of Irrigated Haryana, India AgEcon
Erenstein, Olaf; Malik, R.K.; Singh, Sher.
This study documents the adoption and impacts of zero-tillage (ZT) wheat in the rice-wheat systems of India’s Haryana State primarily drawing on a detailed empirical survey of 400 rice-wheat farmers. Our random stratified sample revealed 34.5% to be ZT wheat adopters and a quarter of the wheat area in the surveyed communities to be under ZT. The study suggests the potential for further diffusion but also flags the issue of disadoption (10%). ZT adopters, non-adopters, and disadopters differ significantly in terms of their resource bases, with adopters typically showing the most favorable values. ZT drastically reduces tractor operations in farmers’ ZT wheat fields from an average of 8 passes to a single pass, implying a saving of 6 tractor hours and 36...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Wheat; Rice; Agricultural development; Innovation adoption; Drilling equipment; Farming systems; Zero tillage; Production costs; Credit; Income; India; Crop Production/Industries; E16; F08.
Ano: 2007 URL:
Registros recuperados: 2
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