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Dynamique de comblement d'un bassin sédimentaire soumis à un régime mégatidal : Exemple de la Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel.
This work has been performed in a DRET/CNRS convention and related to the problems of sedimentary dynamics in a bay dominated by tidal currents. It combines the descriptive study of the morphosedimentary units with the modeling of bedload processes. At the South channel Isles, the Mont-Saint-Michel bay is well known for his exceptional tidal range. It's open to the offshore with two broad master channels on both sides from the Chausey's archipelago. On the coarse sedimentary cover of pebbles and gravels, sediments dynamic series of some plurikilometres sandy ribbons. These sands are temporarily stocked in lonely bedforms and in coastal maritime banks, sandwaves field of Granville and tide delta. The coastal banks are connected in the littoral prism. They...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bedload transport; Hydrodynamic numerical model; Sediment color; Crepidule; Coastal banks; Sandwaves; Sand ribbons; Swells; Tidal currents; Sedimentary prism; Norman breton Gulf; Transport solide; Code numérique; Couleur des sédiments; Crépidule; Bancs côtiers; Dunes tidales; Rubans sableux; Houle; Courants de marée; Prisme sédimentaire; Golfe normand breton.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Influence of storms on tidal dune mobility in the Strait of Dover ArchiMer
Le Bot, Sophie; Trentesaux, Alain; Garlan, Thierry; Berne, Serge; Chamley, Hervé.
The present paper deals with dune dynamics in a zone of the Strait of Dover located in the sea lane running into the North Sea. The dunes, widespread in this 35-m depth area, are mobile sedimentary structures (up to 40 m.yr(-1)) that culminate at a maximum of 22 m depth and endanger navigation as well as submarine man-made structures (cables, pipelines). Single- and multibeam bathymetric data, coupled with seismic data, allow us to follow dune displacements over different time scales. A net bedload parting zone has been displayed and divides the area into two parts, SE and NW. However, according to the considered time-scale, dune movements present Variations in intensity and direction. Over a long-term period (decades), sedimentary dynamics fit the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tempêtes; Dunes tidales; Dynamique sédimentaire; Détroit du Pas de Calais; Storms; Tidal dunes; Sedimentary dynamics; Strait of Dover.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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