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Influence of accumulation of heaps of steel slag on the environment: determination of heavy metals content in the soils 42
Garcia-Guinea,Javier; Correcher,Virgilio; Recio-Vazquez,Lorena; Crespo-Feo,Elena; Gonzalez-Martin,Rafael; Tormo,Laura.
The presence of high level of heavy metals involves a human healthy risk that could induce chronic diseases. This work reports on the metal contamination due to heaps of steel-slag accumulated during more than 40 years in allotments and industrial areas in the southern part of Madrid (Spain). Several slag and soil samples were collected in an area of 10 km² and characterized by different conventional (XRD and XRF) and no so common methods (ESEM, thermoluminescence and EDS-WDS). The analysis reveal the presence of: (i) important amounts of Fe (43%), Mg (26%), Cr (1.1%), Mn (4.6%), S (6.5%) in the form of Fe-rich slag phases (wustite, magnetite...), Si and Ca-rich phases (larnite, ghelenite...), Cr (chromite), Mn (bustamite) and graphite, (ii) traces of some...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: EDS; ESEM; Metal contamination; Steel slag; TL; XRD; XRF.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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