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Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Ecologie, répartition en Bretagne et en France, nuisances et moyens de lutte sur le site atelier du port de Vannes 5
Camus, Patrick; Compere, Chantal; Blanchet, Aline; Dimeet, Joel; Hamon, Dominique; Lacotte, Nicolas; Peleau, Michel; Lassalle, Elisabeth.
This study [...] was carried out from June 1998 to January 2000 and enabled the assessment of the scientific knowledge on the biology, ecology and distribution of the Annelida Polychaeta sedentaria: Ficopomatus enigmaticus. [...] In order to better determine the characteristics of this species' environment and development cycle, a study was conducted in the worksite of the marina of Vannes. This study, mostly biological, was completed by a technological study on the fighting techniques (antifouling paints) used against the damage made by this worm on the boat hulls. In addition, this document presents some recommendations to follow in order to limit, or stop, the development of this "pollution".
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marina harbours; Disturbance; Colonization; Ficopomatus enigmaticus; Port de plaisance; Pertubation; Colonisation; Ficopomatus enigmaticus.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Distribution, associated species and extent of biofouling “reefs” formed by the alien species Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Annelida, Polychaeta) in marinas 5
Charles, M.; Faillettaz, Robin; Desroy, Nicolas; Fournier, Jerome; Costil, Katherine.
Artificial structures in ports are commonly colonized by non-indigenous epifauna that tolerate high pollution levels. Bioconstructions built by alien species may offer sheltered microhabitats for motile (vagile) animals but biofouling often becomes detrimental to human activities. In this context, the present study provides an inventory of 1) the extent of biofouling related to the alien Polychaeta Ficopomatus enigmaticus on hard structures of marinas in Normandy, France, and 2) the biodiversity of sessile (attached) or vagile (motile) fauna associated with these “reefs”, including both native and alien species. Reefs built by F. enigmaticus were found in 6 out of 12 marinas with oligohaline-mesohaline waters. Significant differences in the total volume of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biofouling; Ficopomatus enigmaticus; Benthic communities; Alien species; Marinas; Normandy (France).
Ano: 2018 URL:
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