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Evaluation of techniques used to protect tailrace fishes during turbine maneuvers at Três Marias Dam, Brazil Neotropical Ichthyology
Andrade,Francisco de; Prado,Ivo Gavião; Loures,Raquel Coelho; Godinho,Alexandre Lima.
Turbine dewatering and stop/startup may lead to the death of tons of fish at Brazilian power dams. The Três Marias Dam (TMD) on the São Francisco River has adopted two techniques to reduce the quantity of fish, mostly mandi (Pimelodus maculatus, Pimelodidae), affected by these maneuvers. They are: (i) spill before turbine dewatering to attract fish out of the tailrace, and (ii) fish screens in the stop log slots during turbine stop/startup to prevent fish from entering the draft tube. Here, we investigated whether spill and fish screens reduced the quantity of fish affected by turbine dewatering and stop/startup at TMD. We also determined whether the biomass of mandi trapped during turbine dewatering may be predicted by turbine discharge (Q) and/or catch...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fish kill; Fish screen; Pimelodus maculatus; Turbine dewatering; Turbine stop/startup.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Temporal variation in fish community in the tailrace at Três Marias Hydroelectric Dam, São Francisco River, Brazil Neotropical Ichthyology
Loures,Raquel Coelho; Pompeu,Paulo Santos.
Damming rivers to generate hydroelectric energy causes a series of changes in the environment, including impacts on the ichthyofauna. Knowledge of the fish community immediately downstream from a hydroelectric dam can help to reduce the negative effects of dam operation, such as fish entrance into the draft tube during turbines maintenance. We evaluated the temporal variation in fish community composition and abundance, near Três Marias Hydroelectric Dam (TMD), and its relationship with abiotic variables. Samples (n = 18) were carried out using gill nets in the tailrace of the dam, over the course of a hydrological year, at six time points during a 24-hour period. Abiotic data were also sampled to assess the relationship with the biotic data. In the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fish kill; Ichthyofauna; Impact; Nictemeral; Operation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Mortalites de poissons en baie de Vilaine (Juillet 1982) Causes - Mécanismes - Propositions d'action ArchiMer
Merceron, Michel.
The massive number of fish mortalities that occurred in July of 1982 in Vilaine Bay is due to a very pronounced oxygen depletion in the bay's bottom waters. This loss was caused by the chronic fragility of this area, associated with an abnormal weather pattern. The endemism of partial oxygen depletion has been brought to light. The latter could be economically more significant than the anoxia of 1982. Preventative and warning actions have been proposed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Brittany; Dam; Estuary; Meteorological factors; Stratification; Phytoplankton; Oxygen depletion; Coastal waters; Fish kill; Estuaire; Facteurs météorologiques; Stratification; Prolifération planctonique; Déficit en oxygène; Eaux côtières; Mortalité de poisson.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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