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Global baselines and benchmarks for fish biomass: comparing remote reefs and fisheries closures ArchiMer
Mcclanahan, Tim R.; Schroeder, Robert E.; Friedlander, Alan M.; Vigliola, Laurent; Wantiez, Laurent; Caselle, Jennifer E.; Graham, Nicholas A. J.; Wilson, Shaun; Edgar, Graham J.; Stuart-smith, Rick D.; Oddenyo, Remy M.; Cinner, J. E..
Baselines and benchmarks (B&Bs) are needed to evaluate the ecological status and fisheries potential of coral reefs. B&Bs may depend on habitat features and energetic limitations that constrain biomass within the natural variability of the environment and fish behaviors. To evaluate if broad B&Bs exist, we compiled data on the biomass of fishes in similar to 1000 reefs with no recent history of fishing in 19 ecoregions. These reefs spanned the full longitude and latitude of Indian and Pacific Ocean reefs and included older high-compliance fisheries closures (>15 yr closure) and remote reef areas (>9 h travel time from fisheries markets). There was no significant change in biomass over the 15 to 48 yr closure period but closures had only...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baselines; Coral reef fish; Fisheries and ecological indicators; Pristine or virgin biomass; Sustainability.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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