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A new combination in Peristethium (Loranthaceae) expands the genus' range into the Amazon-Cerrado ecotone Acta Amazonica
Caires,Claudenir Simões; Gomes-Bezerra,Kadja Milena; Proença,Carolyn Elinore Barnes.
The genus Peristethium, characterized by determinate inflorescences protected by deciduous bracts, occurs in the northwest of South America, as well as Costa Rica and Panama. The main objective of this paper was to transfer one species to what we believe is its correct generic placement in Peristethium, that likewise implies in a shift of the genus' distribution beyond the Amazon. A new combination, Peristethium reticulatum, is proposed, based on Struthanthus reticulatus, described from Tocantins in 1980. The sexual dimorphism of the inflorescences of P. reticulatum (sessile male flowers and pedicellate female flowers) associated with male inflorescences that are inserted at leafless nodes are unique within the genus. The male flowers have dimorphic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brazil; Floral dimorphism; Leaf architecture; Struthanthus.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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